Page:The Carcanet.djvu/249

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which God has given

To man alone beneath the heaven;

It is the secret sympathy,

The silver link, the silken tie,

Which heart to heart, and mind to mind,

In body, and in soul, can bind.

The bleakest rock upon the loneliest heath

Feels, in its barrenness, some touch of spring;

And, in the April dew, or beam of May,

Its moss and lichen freshen and revive;

And thus the heart, most seared to human pleasure,

Melts at the tear, joys in the smile of woman.


Mr. Burke speaking of Mr. Sheridan's celebrated speech on the Begum charge on the trial of Warren Hastings, observed:

Hfihasthis day surprised the thousands whohung with rapture on his accents, bysuch an array of talents, such an exhibition of capacity, such adisplay of powers, as are unparalleled in the annals of oratory; a display that reflected the highest honor on himself—lustre upon letters—renown upon parliament—glory upon the country. Of all species of rhetoric,ofeverykind of eloquence thathasbeen witnessed or recorded either in ancient or modern times; whatever the dignity of the senate, the acutencss of the bar, the solidity of the judgment scat, and the sacred morality of th.3 pulpit, have hitherto furnished, nothing has surpassed, nothing has equalled, what we have heard this day in