Page:The Carcanet.djvu/59

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——— Then the gentle tone,
The fond caress, intelligibly spake
Affection's language.

Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb
The steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar!
Ah, who can tell how many a soul sublime
Hath felt the influence of malignant star,
And waged with fortune an eternal war.

Atheism is an infernal deity, who demands of his votaries such cruel sacrifices, that every one initiated into the mysteries of his faith must m;ike a solemn and absolute renunciation of the use of his senses—shut his eyes upon the fair volume of nature—and deny to his heart the pleusureable emotions of admiration and gratitude !

From the for-ever, the beloved one,
The universal only God I speak,
Your God and mine, our father and our judge—
Hear ye his law, .... hear ye the perfect law
Of love. ' Do ye to others, as ye would
That they should do to you !' He bids us meet
.To praise his name, in thankfulness and joy;
He bids us in our sorrow, pray to him,
The Comforter. Love him, for he is good!
Fear him, for he is just! obey his will,
For who can bear his anger!