Page:The Carcanet.djvu/62

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Linking two hearts, unknowing each of each,
Perverts the ordinance of God, and makes
Southey.The holiest tie a mockery and a curse.

Love's the most generous passion of the mind,
The softest refuge innocence can find;
The cordial drop, heaven, in our cup has thrown,
To make the nauseous draught of life go down.


The tablet that graces this ancient pillar, is dedicated as a small gratuity to maternal sorrow, by a disconsolate mother for an only child, born an orphan, and well acquainted with the thorny paths of affliction :—Unfortunate voyager!

He received his dismission the 18th of February, 1766, from this vale of tears, where the fluctuating scenes of sorrow are perpetually changing, the mournful voice of woe is ever heard, and care, anxiety and pain, make up the dismal variety—alas ! gentle passenger, thou may'st in thy pilgrimage through the solitary region taste this the bitterest cupof affliction. " But God tempers the wind, saith Maria, to the shorn Iamb;" for know, Oh thou hereditary heir of corruption, that Adam wf pt when the archangel recounted to him the miseries of human life " though not of woman born."

Clarissimo et amantissimo filio Gulielmo Tregartha supremum munus mater maerens posuit.

From A Tablet In St. Just's Church, Corn