Page:The Carcanet.djvu/76

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Birth excites emulation in great souls, ana pride, in little ones. Hear the men who thought nobly and who knew how to value men. " There are no kings who have not had slaves for their ancestors; no slaves who have not had kings for their ancestors." Plato.—" A person is not born for our glory, what he was before is nothing to us." Seneca. —Consult thyself, enter into thyself.


The brave man is not he who feels no fear,
For that were brutish and irrational;
But he, whose noble soul its fear subdues,
And bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from.
Joanna Baillie. 


Were it permitted for a soldier to regret any one who has fallen in the service of his country I might be excused for lamenting him more than any other person; but it is some consolation to those who tenderly loved him, that as his life was honourable, so was his death glorious. His memory will be recorded in the annals of his country, will be sacred to every British soldier, and embalmed in the recollection of a grateful posterity.

Every virtue carried to an excess approaches its kindred vice.