Page:The Carcanet.djvu/80

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or who, allied more in blood than in disposition, keep the old man company in his life, that they may not be forgotten at his death—

Hcec data poena dici viventibus.

Ah ! Mr. Lovel, if it be your lot to reach the chill, cloudy, and comfortless evening of life, you will remember the sorrows of your youth as the light shadowy clouds that intercepted for a moment the beams of the sun when it was rising.

Walter Scott.

True magnanimity does not consist in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.


Where'er I go still sad regret I find
And thinking to forget does but remind.

When midnight o'er the moonless skies
Her pall of transient death has spread,
When mortals sleep, when spectres rise,
And none are wakeful but the dead;
No bloodless shape my way pursues,
No sheeted ghost my couch annoys,
Visions more sad my fancy views,—
Visions of long departed joys.
W. R. Spenser. 

The trappings of dress I most heartily despise, and have always felt inclined to judge of the mind from the