Page:The Carcanet.djvu/92

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Often hast thou smiling told me,
Wealth and power were trifling toys,
When thou fondly didst enfold me,
Rich in love's luxuriant joys.

Fare thee well, ungrateful rover,
Welcome hostile Gallia's shore;
Now the breezes waft me over,
Now we part to meet no more!

Innocence in its crudest simplicity has some advantages over the most dexterous and practised guilt. Equivocal appearances may accidentally attend it in its progress through the world; but the very scrutiny which these appearances will excite, operates in favour of innocence, which is secure the moment it is discovered. But guilt is a poor, helpless, dependent being. Without the alliance of able', diligent, and fortunate fraud, it is inevitably undone. If the guilty culprit be obstinately silent, his silence forms a deadly presumption against him. If he speaks, talking tends to discovery; and his very defence furnishes materials towards his conviction. Junius.

Had we never loved so kindly,
Had we never loved so blindly,
Never met, nor ever parted,
We had ne'er been broken hearted.