Page:The Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus.pdf/9

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( iv )

( iv ) remy Collier bearsfofaint a Reſemblance of the Original in a great many Places, that I cannot imagine how it could be copy'd from it. The Tranſlation lately publiſh'd at Glaſgow is an Improvement upon Caſaubon's, but comesfarfort of the Perfe &tion I aimed at, and wherein 1 bave failed,ſhould be glad to ſee another attain . But to return to the Commendation of a Book, the turning whereof into our native Tongue, I thought no unmanly or unprofita ble Amuſement in an Abundance of Leifure. It is a Colle & tion of fucb Thoughts, as appear ed to be of the greateſt Importance to a great Monarch, but whoſe perſonal Merit far out Mhone bis Imperial Dignity ; a Prince wbo

was the Delight of his Subjects while alive, and is now the Admiration of all who are acquainted with his Character : Such Thoughts as when they once entered his Mind he was unwilling to forget, and therefore committed to Writing for the Refreſhment of bis Memory, when bis Inclination led bim to revive the ſame Ideas. They are, I believe, the ſame, or of thefame Kind, with what be calls his Commentaries, Memoirs, or Memo randums in the Book itſelf.

For that is more

likely to be true, than that a Man of his Turn