Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/348

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S38 CORUORNDA, ETC., TO YOU n. p. 171 ; line 4, mfUr "1772." aM "ed. at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1^94"; line 6, after **IB01," add *'«t St 0«o. Han. aq." ; liue U, ttfter "Midi.," add Will pr. 25 March 1868, under £9,0G0"; line 15. after

    • Sutaex," add " with rem., failing beilv male of hia bmly, to tboae of hia br.,

Richard Caryll "; hue 25, for ** Uicbard.*' aee vol. u, p. 447, in the earrigenda w p. 171 of that Tol. ; liue 40, ajter ** 1788." add ** WUl pr. March 1788 " ; line 42, after "1751," add «ed. at Weatni. and at Trin. GolL, Cambridge ; M.A, 1770 ; LL.D, 1811 " ; liue 45, for « 1828," read ** 1801.- Note (•), line 1. for " firat oouain," read nephew." p. 172; line 1, for *" May," read "April"; line 4, after "Midx.," add '* Will pr. May 1828 "; line 5, /or " 2," read "aged 85. at Hni.teroombe, near Maidenhead, 21"; line 8, for *' Sunmurinam," read *'unm., at Surinam, of yellow fever"; after "1804," add " Admon. Jan. 1806"; line 28, ajier " br," add "of the whole blood"; line 27, after "1818," add " at St. Qea Han. aq." ; line 80, after " pr.," add " 8 Jan. 1869 " ; line 88, after '• 1858." add " at Melroee, Webt Hill, near Putney *'; line 42, for " Florence/' read " New York Hou»l. Flureoce. Will pr. 19 July 1872, under £100.000"; line 48, after " Mids.," add " Will pr. 9 May 1881, under £70,000, r««wom. April 1882, under £80.000." p. 173 ; Hue 6, for " He m.," read " 1.. Lieut, of oo. Wicklow, 1890. He «. at Cliingford"; line 8, /or "Ohigford," read " Chingford." P- 174 ; line 23, for " 1616.*' read "21 April 1623 " ; line 25, /ur " who was," read "6. 1575. being"; linee 26 and 27. for " Ix>rd Cliancellor Maitlamd," read "John (Maitlamd), lit Lokd Maiti^md op TniBLBSTANK [S.] " P* 175 ; line 8, after "firatly," add "he under age, ahe under 15, contract at Edinburgh, 21 Dec. 1621, and at Whitehall, 7 Jan. 1621/2 "; line 6, after " 6iir." add "5 Jan. 1642/3" after "secondly," add "before 9 Feb. 1646" ; line 7, after "Rozbubqh," add '*Uyled I^RU Kkh"; laat line, /or "Raraton, 10 March 1784," read " Bamton, 10, and was 6ttr. in Uie Abbey there, 11 Maivh 1733/4." p. 176 ; line 11, >br " next day," read " 14." Note (»), line 5, for " oUure," reiuf "obscure." p. 177 ; In heading, for " Oabslub," read " Ca861LU8." Line 15, after " 1798," add "Admon. Jan. 1852"; line S7,for "Savilk ok Castlkbau, Vi«oountcy." read

    • Ca8TLBBar, Barony"; ajter "1628," ci<fd "with the YnoouiiTOT op Savilb

[I.]." p, 178; line 22, ^fter "ap.a," add "27 Mhv or June"; /«r "Feb.," read "Sep."; line 29, after " 1761," add " Will pr. at Prerog. Ct. [L] 1761." p. 179 ; line 21, for " 1785," read " 1781 "; line 22, after " D.D.," add " by Elisa- beth Aune, da. of William Bufh. of Cork Abbey " ; liue 23, after " 1823," read "at his seat, near Dublin, aged 67 "; Hue 24,/or " Ktiik," read** Ktrb Tii^son "; for "only," read "3d but only surv."; liue 28. for "April," r*ad "at Paris. 24 March"; after ** extinct," add Will pr. Oct. 1827"; liue 80, ajier " 1874," add "at De Veeci fQy. De Vere] terrace, Kenaiiigtou." p. 180 ; in margin, over " I. 1616," ineert " Earldom [I]." Line 31, after " 1614," add "Fellow of Mag. Coll.. Oxford, about 1670"; line 37, lor *M 668/9," react " 1(508/9 "; line 88, /or "22." read " 29 " ; line 41, afUr *• Admon.," add "Jan. 1617, at the court of the Dean of Westm., and agMin in the O.P.C. "; after "Douglas," add "Hia widow m.. 6 March 1018/9, at St. Britle's, Undon, Sir Piers Cbosut, and was living 8 Dec. 1644." p. 181; line 22, for "Belds," read "fields(<W)." and %nu*t a$ taid noU "(*») Her christian name (Elizabeth) is therein mentioned ; yet an adventuress named Catherine Stainfort, widow of Alexander Dowues, is referred to several times under the date of 1649. as *noiotDife* [Qy mistress] of this Earl. [Hist MS. Com. 15th Rep., spp., Pt ii, p. 108]"; line 27, for " d. May 1721," read " waa bur. 15 March 1710/1, at Clewer, Berks." Note (*), diU the tirst five lines down to " said," and insert " See full account thereof in Utate IriaU, vol. iii, p. 401 ; "pUce," add "of."