Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/468

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458 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. II. 221 ; line 28, See voL t, p. 480, in the corricmda to this paffe; line 80, fir " Homelden," rnul " Homildon." p. 222 ; line 8, fir " uniniailed/' read *< unentailed "; line 16, far " to," read •* un." p. 223 ; Une 8, fir "Hawlaw/' r$ad "HarUw"; liue 11, fir <*from his," retid '*from the"; line 10, fir I486," read '*aiid waa bar. 26 July 1486, at lu- Ternen"; Une 24, afUr <* 1424," add "da. of Arohihald (Douqlab), Babl ov DOVOLLB [S.]. p. 224 ; Note («), fir ** Keith, of Synton, d. 1847," read '< Keith, of Synton, if. 1360." p. 227 ; Note, line 41, for *' mention," read •* meuUona "; Une 46, fir "alluded to," read ** mentioned." p. 230 ; Note (<i), ^ter "John," add ** (Erakine), Lord." p. 233 ; Une 16, efter « 1672," add *< at Stirling "; Uuea 16 and 17, fir " widow waa UTiDg 1602," read •• The wiU of hia widow is dat 16 Nov. 1602, at Stirling "; Une 19, /or " ahout 1668," read " 1662 (being 16 in AprU 1678) "; fir <* ainoe," read ** after." p. 234 ; Note (•), Une 22, fir " favourable," read ** favourably." p. 235 ; line 2, after " eratiy," add '* 16 Nov. 1680 "; liue 4, after " [S.]." add <' She d. befora 1 July 1692"; for "before 29 May 1693," read "7 Dec. 1692"; liue " 7, ^fter " Alloa," read " WiU dat. 1 March 1634 "; Une 8, ctmehide '* Hu widow d. 11 May 1644. WiU dat. 8 May 1644." Note (»), line 8, fir "aince," rend "after"; line 6, fir •'and ainoe," read *« after"; deU^'otihe." p. 236 ; Une 28, irfUr " (f.," add "suddenly at Alloa." p. 237 ; linea 28 and 80, for " ainoe," read " after." Note («), Une 6, after " aeein," add " far." p. 238 ; in margin, after " cot^rmed" add '* or reitored." Une 11, afUr " (/.," add "suddenly in Shadwick place, Edinburgh"; line 10, after "1708," add "at Dalwinston; ed. at Westm."; Une 26, after "1827," add "at Edinburgh "; line 29, after "year," add "and waa bur. 26 at Alloa"; line 38, for ••while the right to the," read "The right of inheritance, aa heir of line, to that"; Une 34, eondude "and which, in this work, is attributed to this i£arl and to his ancestors as such heirs "; line 36, for " devolved," read " devolvedO," and ineert ae eaid note " (0 The iuhttritance of the Earldouj, iu right of this devolution, waa rejected by the decision of 1876, and waa not recognised, aa a fact, by the Restitution Act of 1885, which, without nfArming thst the ancient dignity had been forfeited, restored it to the heir iu case it might have been ao forfeited, and which, moreover, described the ssid heir (assuming, apparentiv, that such forfeiture had token place) merely aa J. F. E. Qoodeve- Erakine and not as Earl of Mar." p. 239 ; line 2, dde " lue." to " estates)," and ineert " He may be considered as de jure Earl or Mab [3.](«)," and ineert tte eaid note " (•) See p. 231, note 'a,' as also note ^a/inthiapage"; line25./or " «ffectu»Iy," mfi^ "effectuaUy." Note(*), Une 2, fir " 1&;' read " 8 "; for " lived to succeed," read *' survived "; last Uut^, eondude " There is nothing in this warrant to imply that a Hestitutiou Act waa needed before such female succession could htive taken place, and Lord Mar states [17 Nov. 1893] that he refused to accept the warrant when (previoualy) it had been made iu terms which conveyed the errone4»us position that hia mother, had she survived, would not have been a Countess in her own right but for such an Act as that of 1 886." Note (o), conclude " The Restitution Act of 1886 has been called an daborate make bdieve. In some respect it waa so, as being the restoration of a dignity, never previously held to have been under forfeiture, save only from 1716 to 1824. Mo one, before 1886, ever assumed that there waa more than ONe Earldom of Mar veated in the Earl, who died in 1866, an Earldom which was generally (indeed one may say, aa f or aa regarda the beat Scotch authoritiea» universallv) regarded aa b«ng one of great antiquity, that had descended to him as heir of line. Their Lordshipa, however, havingi in 1876, declared that tiie