Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/174

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152 ARUNDEL. I'KMtiKKE [■UK K.I(LS UK AlILNDEL OF TUK HoUKJS OK FiTZ- . I.AN. John Fitz-Alan, l"eiidal- r Isahi lla, 2nd sister ami, in her issni', coheir Lord »f Chin, &c. of Hugh (Ue Albiui), Earl of Arundel, ic. ^Scc | pedigree, p. 1 4*2.) I. Julia Fit/.-Alan. who .inc. to the Castle, &c., of Arundel in 1 ii 1 :j , - ami was (according to the admission uf 1 133) Earl of Annulet, d. 1 2(58. | 11. John Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel, as above, and b. d. 1272. j= III. Kichard, Karl of Arundel, sum. =j Alisuna do to Pari as twh, s. and h. </. 1302. | Saluzzo. [V. Kdnmnd, Karl of Arundel, ^Alice do Wnrenne, or I'lautagonet, wltu, in her (am*, s. and b., attainted and d. 1326. | was heir to the Barb of Surrey and Sussex. I — 1 V. Richard Fitz-Alan, ratortdex Karl of Arundel in 1331 ^Eleanor s. and h. stilled himself Karl of .Surrey in 1301, d. 1876. | l'lantagenet. VI. liiehard, Karl of Aruudel, - tea., s. ami h. Beheaded ami attainted 1397. .lohn. Lord Arundel,—- Kleanor, sua jure sum. to Purl as such ! Ilaroness Malti.i- 1377-7'.', d. 137'.'. Juan,(») 2nd sister and co- heir, relict of Williani( Beau- champ), Lord Abergavenny, and uged 10 in 1415. VlLTlw Elizabeth,-.-') mas Fitz- 1st sister ami Alan, re- eoh., relict of staved in Thomasi Mow- 1400 as bray), Duke of Earl of Norfolk, and Aruudel aged upwards and Sur- of 40 in 1 4 1 f« . roy,<i.s.p. =r 1415. 4. 4- (") In the descendants uf these three Ladies vests the representation of the carliev Maris uf Avundcl. In ISSo the c.uheivs of the eldest (the Duchess of Norfolk) were, as to one moiety, the heir yen. uj the Lords Berkeley, and, as to the other (the Howard) moiety, (1) Lord Atoicbray, Seyravc and Stourton, and (J) Lord J'elre. See p. 147, note M.ugaret.l") 3rd sister ami coheir, wife uf Sir Rowland LeuthaU, ami aged 33 in 1415. I — IX. John, Earl of Aruudel, Arc. ,s. and b. d. 1435. I vers, d. 1405. H John Fitz-Alan, uti'MFp de Arundel, d. 13111. Vlll.John,l.or.l.Ialtra-=j= vers (1405) anil Earl of Arundel (1415) d. 1421. X(.Villiam,lvirl»f-f Arundel, Jtc. uncle j and h. (/. 1488. X. Humphrey, Karl of Arundel, &e., only s. and h. d. a.p. 1438. XII. Thomas, Eai'l=j= of Arundel, &C ami h. </. 1524. XIII. William, Earl of Aruudel, &c., d. 1544.--j=Anue Percy. XIV. Henry, Earl of Arundel, &c, the hist heir male of t house of Fitz-Alan, Earls of Arundel, (i.s.p.m.s. 1580. Henry Fitz-Alan, only s. and Joan, m. John, Lord Thomas (Howard),=rMary,inl'er h. ap. styled Lord Maltra- Lumley and d. v.p. Duke of Norfolk, I issue, soleh Ter-s, d. v.p. and s.p. 1556. and a.p. 1576. Sc., beheaded 1572 [ toherfather I (/. v.p. 15571 r 1 Philip (Howard), Earl of Arundel, who, in 1580, sue. his maternal grandfather in the Castle and Honour of Arundel. Hed. 1596, being great grandfather of Thomas (Howard), Earl of Arundel, restored, in 16U0, to the Dukedom of' Nor- folk. See tabular pedigree, under " NOBFOLK," Duke of.