Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/189

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ASTLEY. 167 ASTLEY (of Astley). Barons by Tenure.^) L Hon. 11. t. Philip de Astley, otitis de Estley [Lord of Astley, ci). Warwick], living 1165. II. John. & Thomas de Astley, s. and li. living 1220. Hi. Hen. III. & WiMBB 0$ Astley, b. and h. d. [— ]. IV. Hen. III. 4- Thomas DB Astley, s. and h. ti 1364, being slain at the battle .if Evesham . Barons by J. Andrew db Astley, s. and h. of Sir Thomas de Writ. Astley abovonamed, by bis first wife Joane, da. of Ernald dk Bins of t i on- CO. Leicester, .sue. bis father in 1264, anil was by the composition called tbe tlirtum de Kenil icortk. on payment of a tine, put into possession of bis father's estates, whicb bad been confiscated. He was in the Scotch wars and at the Battle of Falkirk. He m. Maud, da. of Walter and sister and coheir of Soger Ca.mvillk of Creek. From 23 June (1295), 23 Ed. I, to 3 Nov. (1306 ), 34 E.l. I, be was sum. to Pail, as a Baron (LORD ASTLEY). He d. however (1301) 29 Ed. l,{ h l so that the later summons must have been in error. II. 1301. 2. Nicholas (de Astley), Lord Astley, s. and h. Ho was sum. to Pari. 4 July (1302), 30 Ed. I ; 11 June (1309), 2 Ed. II, and 26 Oct. (1309), 2 Ed. II. He was taken prisoner or, as some say, slain at Bannockburn in 1314. He d. s.p. III. 1311'? ■!. Thomas (de Astley), Lord Astley, nephew and h. being s. and b. of Sir Giles de Astley, br. of the last Lord, by Alice, 2nd ila. and coheir of Sir Thomas dk Yv'uLVey. He was sum to Pari, from 25 Feb. (1342-3), 16 Ed. Ill, to 10 March (1349-50), 23 Ed. III. He founded a chantry in the parish church of Astley. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Guy (DE Bbal'CHamp), 2nd Earl of Warwick, by Alice, da. of KalpU dk Toxi. He d. about (1359) 33 Ed. III. IV. 1359 ? S. William (de Astley), Lord Astley, s. and h. who appears never to have been sum. to Pari., though included iu several commissions by Hen. IV and Hen. VI. He hi. Joan, da. of John (Willoughby), Lord WtLuiCQUBY De Eresby. He d. s.p.m. After bis death, the Barony of Astley, if a hereditary Peerage (there being no proof of any sitting) would have devolved on his only da. and h. Joan and the heirs of her body. She vi. firstly Thomas Raleigh of Famborough, co. Warwick, by whom she bad no issue. She m. secondly (as his second wife) Reginald (de Grey), 3rd Loud Grey, de Ruthin, who (/. 1440, leaving, by his said wife, Edward Grey (s. and k. tolas mother) who was sum. to Pari, in 1446 as Lord Ferrers de Groby. The Barony of Astley (if existing) would from thenceforth follow the destination of that of Ferrers de Groby, and be forfeited therewith on the attainder of Henry (Grey), Duke of Suffolk, &e., in 1554.— See " Ferrers de Groby," Baron of. ASTLEY of Reading. Barons. j. s IB Jacob Astley, 2nd s. of Isaac A. of Hill Morton, I. 1641 ca Warwick, and of Melton Constable, co. York, by Mary, da. of Edward WaldeuuaVE of Borley, co. Essex, was Col. of the 3rd Reg. of Foot iu the King's campaign against the Scots (1640), Governor of Plymouth ; Serjeant Major Gen. of the King's army at the outbreak of the Civil War (1642) ; wounded at the battle of Edgehill ; Governor of Reading ; Commander of the Kings Infantry atNaseby (1645), where he "performed his part with great gallantry. "(=) (") With respect to this Barony by tenure (as also in the previous case of the Baronies ol Albini by tenure), and other Baronies of a like nature, the editor only reproduces n,? f S Mmt S ive " in " Courthope." -See statement in Preface, p. 1, line 30 ct seq. C) See Dugdale, who quotes the Escheat Roll, 29 Ed. I, u. 55. ( c ) Whitelocke.