Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/190

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168 ASTLEY — ASTON. Be was taken prisoner at Stow-on-the-Wold, in 1646, where he is said to have uttered the well known not " Yoa have done your work HOW, and may go ti > play unless ymi fall out among yourselves." HEf was soon altorwards released (111 being admitted to composition.;!-) " On 4 Nov. 1644 ho was Or. BARON ASTLBY OK READING, in. Berks. He m. Agnes (a German Lady), da. of Henry I.mj'lk. He (/. 1651 and was Iric: at Maidstone. II. 1G-1]. Isaac (A.sti.ev), Bako.v A.sti.ev or Readikc, k and ii. He m. Anne, 4th da. ol Sir Francis Stvoolik of Mieklehani, Surrey, by Mary, da. of Sir James Altham of Oxhey, Herts, mie of the Batons of (ha Exchequer. He d. 1662 and was bur. at Maidstone. His widow il. at Maidstone afsd. Admon. 21 Nov. 167 1 to her s. Jacob, " Lord Astley, Huron if Reading." III. 16G2, §. Jacob (A.sti.ev), Baron Astley ok Ruauixc, s. and hi to He hi. Frances, da. and coheir of his maternal uncle Sir Richard 168!?. Stypoi.fe of Norbury, Surrey, Bart, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir George Stoxehoisk of Hadley, Berks. He d. s.p.s. 1688 at St. Margaret's West)))., and was bur. at Maidstone, whet) the title became extinct Admon. 8 May, 16S9. His widow 11 and was bur. 22 July 1692 at Maidstone. ASTON OF Forfar. Barons fS.J /. Sin Walter Astox, Uni t., of Tix.ill, co. SteMbwl, 1st I 16°7 surv. s. and h. of Sir Edward A. of the same (whose estates exceeded the annual value of £10,000) by his second wife Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Lucy of C'harlcote, eo Warwick. was hap. at Charlcote 9 July 1SS4, sue. his father in 1698, was made K.B. (2"> July 1603) at the Coronation of James I anil was ft', a Bart. 22 May 161 1, on the institution of that order. He wash Statesman of great distinction and served on several missions, where his princely magnificence (particularly at Madrid in 1030) greatly injured his private fortune. On 2S Nov. 162' he was er.( c ) LORD ASTON OF FORFAR [a] with rem. to funi and his heirs male for ever bearing the name and arms of Aston. He i?t. about 1607, Gertrude, only da. of Sir Thomas Sadlkik of Standon, Herts, by bis second wife Gertrude, da. of Robert Makkham of Cotham, Notts. She was living 1616 and, in her issue, was h to her br. Ralph Sadleir of Standon, who d. s.p. 12 Feb. 1660. He d. 13 Aug. 1639 and was but: at St. Mary's, Stafford. II. 1639. 2. Walter (Aston), Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], 1st surv. s. and h. b. 1609. He was a gallant adherent of Charles I and was at the siege of Lichfield, 1646, and at the surrender of Oxford, after which he had to compound for his estates and live privately. In 1660 he inherited the estate of Standon, Herts., from his maternal uncle Ralph Sadleir abovenamed. He in. in 1629 Mary, 2nd da. of Richard (Wkston), 1st Eaw. ok Portland, by his first wife Elizabeth, da. of William Pinoheon of W'rittle, Essex. She was bap. 2 Jan. 1602-3 at RoxweHj Essex. He d. 23 April 1678 aged 69, at Tixall, and was bur. at St. Mary's, Sttffurd, above 1000 people accompanying his corpse. ( b ) Lord Clarendon says of him " Sir Jacob Astley was an honest, brave, plain man and as fit for the office lie exercised of Major Gen. of the Foot as Christendom yielded, and was so generally esteemed ; very discerning and prompt in giving orders as the occasions required, and most cheerful and present in any action. In council lie used few but pertinent words ; and was not at all pleased with the long speeches usually made there and which rather confounded than informed bis understanding ; so that he rather collected the ends of the debates, and what he was himself to do, than enlarged them by his own discourses, though lie forbore not to deliver his own mind." ( c ) "Creavimus, facimus et constitnimus pnefatum Dominum Waltenmi Aston Domimtm Aston dc' Forfur infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Forfar in dicto regno, ae dedimus, &c.; eidem snisque heredibns masculis in perpetuum, cognomen et insignia de Aston gerentibus, tituluin, hoiiorem, ordinem et (Ugnitatem Dominonim Haronmn parliament) dicti Regni, &c, Tenen. ct Haben. diet, tituluin, &e, dicti Domini Jiaroim dc Forfar cum suffragio in parliament./, &c."— Ex inform. R. R- Stodart, Lyon clerk Depute.