Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/191

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ASTON. 1G9 III. 1G7S. "Walter (Aston), Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], a and h. A. 1633. At the election of Scotch Representative Peers, 8 Oct. 1713, a protest was made liy him that the patent granted to his grandfather in 1 027 should lie rend, and his name enrolled According to the date thereof.() He »i. firstly Eleanor, widow of Robert Ksighti.ey of OH'church, eo. Warwick, da. of Sir Walter Bl.oi'NT of Sortingtou, 1st Cart, by Elizabeth, da. of George Wyldk of Dioitwieh. She </. 3 Dec. Hi74. He hi. secondly Catherine, da. of Sir Thomas Gaoe of Firle, 2nd Barb by Mary, da. of John CnA.MBERf.AiN of Shirburn, Oxou. He d. 24 Nov. 1711 iii his 82nd year and w:t i bin: at Stan.lon. M.I. Will dat. 2 Nov. 1711, pr. 10 Dec. following. His widow </. 2 April 1720 and was also bur. there. IV. 1711. 4- Walter (Asms), Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], 3rd but 1st sui-v. s. ami h. by first wife,. A. 1000. He hi. Mary, mater of Thomas and Edward, 8th and Btb Dukes ok Norfolk, only da of Lord Thomas Howard of Worksop, Notts., by Mary Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir John Savii.k of Copley, Bart She i" childbed of her 1 1th child, 23 May 1 723 and was bur. at Standon. M.I. He (/. at Tixall 4 April 174S, aged 88, and was Ami-, the 8th at Standon. M.I. Will dat. (July 1740, pr. IS Aug. 174S. A". 174S. 5. James (Aston), Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], 3rd bat 1st. s surv. and h. He hi. 30 June 1712 at Twickenham, Midx., Barbara, sister of George, 14th Karl OF SHREWSBURY 1st da. of George TaLIiot by Mary, da. ol Thomas [Fits! William), 4th Viscount Fits! William [I.] He <l. s.p.m. of the small pox, at Tixall, 24 Aug. 1 751, aged 28, and with him expired the issue male of the first Peer when the lluruurtfjl became ertiml. Will dat. 11 Aug 1751, pr. f> Dec. following. His widow d. at Paris Oct. 1759.^') Admon. 20 July 1700 and again 3 July 1766. The Peerage, which apparently devolves on the heir male general of the grantee under the terms of the patent, was assumed as below. YD 1751. 0. Philip Aston.O styling himself Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], cousin and in all probability h. male (who, if such heir, would probably be entitled to the Peerage being s. and h. of Walter A. (by Penelope, da, of John WHITFIELD of Lincoln), who was' s. and h. of Edward A., 4th s. (and, in his issue, h male) of Edward A. of Milwieh. CO. Stafford, who was s. and h. of William A. of the same, the 4th s. of Sir Walter Aston of Tixall, co. Stafford, which Sir Waller Aston (who d. 158°.) was ancestor of the first Lord, Vicing father of Sir Edward A. of Tixall (who d. 1598), leaving Walter his s. and h., who was rr. Lord Aston of Forfar [S.] in 1027 as above mentioned. He was A. 3 Aug. 1709 at St. Giles in the Fields, Miilx., and sue. his father 6 Jau. 1721. He d. unm. 29 April 1755 and was Ami-, at St. Geo. the Martyr, Bloomsbury. VII? 1755. 7. Walter AsTOX,( f ) stylino himself Loro Aston of Forfar [S.], only br. and h. A. 24 Feb. 1712 at St. Giles' abovenamed. He m. Anna, da. of [— He d. 26 March 1703 and was bar. at St. Geo. the Martyr afsd. Admon. 11 April 1703 to his widow. (' ) His predecessors having been Roman Catholics were precluded from sitting in the Hei teh Pari. It is probably owing to this fact that the title is not on the Union Soil (1707), nor in the return made by the Lords of Session to the House of Lords in 1740. (") Of their two daughters and cotton ) Mary, 6. and tap. at Standon 14 Aug. 1? 43, m. at Worksop Manor, Notts, 21 Sep. 1700, her cousin, Sir Walter Bi.orNT of Sodington, (ith Hart., and had issue. She d. 0 Feb. 1S05. aged 02. (2) Barbara, who inherited the estate of Tixall, A. 4 and bap, 8 Sep. 1744 at Standon, hi. 2 Feb. 1762 at St James' Weatm., Hon. Thomas CLIFFORD, and was mother of Sir Thomas Hugh I'hllbnl (afterwards CLIFFORD- Constable) of Tixall, er. a Baronet in 1815. t '"' ;; > '""st probably, were entitled to the peerage, but as none of them ttmlthcd their right thereto they are entered as above.