Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/194

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172 ATHENRY. large grants of land and, in all probability, the atntus of a Peer [I.], under the designa- tion of LORD ATHENRY [LL(«) from his Barony ol Athenry, o>. Galway. Under t hi mime ai " Robci-l dc Bcrmt/njd'am" he was a witness to important Irish charter* 1175-73. He d. before 1218. II. 121$ i .'. Peter (r>ERMiNi;n.ou, Lokd Athenky [I.], s. ami h. He was sum. to P;«ri. [XJ by King J dm an ! Hen. Hi. (torn which last King he received, in 1284, twenty marks a year. In 28 Hen. Ill 1240-44) he and uiut other of the principal Anglo- Irish XoWtity .together with 22 of the native Princes i were speetdlv thanked by the King for their zeal in hi- seivice. He d. 12*4.1*) III. 1244. -j. MEiLnit (Mao PaiORls, or Bermixgiiam), Lord Atuexkt i. .and b. He is styled (by Ware) byr.ast (or Petty Prince) of J.tktnr$. He founded the monastery for Dominicans at Athenry. He is. Basilia, sister and h. of William dk Worckstkii, w:i<- brought him a large territory in CO. Tipperary, which he exchanged for other loads He d., near Cashet, 1202. "and was bur. in the Priory at Athenry, age,! SO.; 1 ") IV. 1262. 4- Peter (Mac Puioris, or Bermixghami, Lord Athkxkv [LJ s. and h. He was lined 100*. for non-attendance in Pari. il2S4 IS Ed. I, and was placed as 7th Baron!' in the Pari of 1295, In H99 he was situs, to the Scotch expedition. He distinguished himself against the rebellious Irish. He d. at Carrick in Carbery 2 April 1307 and was bar. at Athiunr Priory. Y. 1307. 5, Richard (Mac Puiokis, or Bersu.vgham), Lord Athexbt [I.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. male.(i) Sheriff of Comiaught 1299, 1310 and 1316. He assisted in the victories gained over O'Connor in 1316. and is said to have been a Lord of the Great Council [I.~ 1317. He m. FinweJa. He d. 1S22 Sad was 4ur. at Athenry Friory. YI. 1322. fl, Thomas (Mac Pmortis, or Berxecgoaji ), Lord Atrexkt 1 1. ]. a. and h, or possibly grandson and it. in which latter case he must If considered as s. and it of one Richard, by si'me said t>> have been ?. and h. a|h, of the last Lord and to have d. v.p. He was a minor in 1334. On 30 Jan. 1346 he was made King's Chief Sergeant of eo. O nnntght. On 4 Aug. 1334 he receives a writ fr»» the King [directed to him a* "hi* beloved TJumeu A B-mmjlam, Uri of .tfc.iejiri.-jp "j to restrain him from making war with the CUnricardes. He st Eilina Smtmi;c.»;.. He d. 1374 and was A«r. at Athenry Priory. His widow <1. 1*>4. C5 In the Pari, of 2 Eliz. (198ff| the holders of the Peerages ex Butterant and of Femsoy ^prescriptive Ytscuontetea), as alio of Athenry. Kimzsale, Killeen, Howth, Trinileston [which last was cr, by patent 1 1<S2 as - famiavt et Baro "], Dunsany and ChsrraghnK'rtX are styled respectively " famsKM aitcJ" while those of the Peerages of Oeiviu, Sialic, btcknsuaway [t*. Kerry J. Diuiboyue. Loath and Cppe r Ossory are styled rewnicetivelly_" B*TU tit." See * Lynch." p. 344. " Possibly, however, Una is a" distinction a a nn ul a difference, at all events it appears to have nothing to do with their ranking. He was ancestor of all the various septs of the faintly of Bercnmgham who settled It Ireland and who, bom him. usually styled themselves JlfW T&uru. or sons of Piers, i.y. Peter, His 2ud *, James wis LOOT) DT Thecmot ami gmadbther of JoJ"> (Bennimjham) the eafebratod Eabl «>f Lora ILL so or. 1319. See Pedigree, p 176, ana Preface, p. six, nolle *%* g ' William. B M toaMatfl AmMMmii ef T»™m in ] an, is Hit *» have been his yst son. Pj It is pivhahtft. however, that any lanh pfeuang at thfe 1 earfy date is immaterial The Bmm nest placed to hint was his finrt cousin, anillllwi Peter Bertaingham, Baron of Thettmoy in OljKdey. ^Se* Preface, p six, ntoite "* a,"); W MeJhT, MM) li» MM been his eider hr_ beijiig the 1st s, ami h. ap. of the last Lord, having m, v i« the presence of the Ritgttsh ctwurt . »f. aJUBIt, v.p., leaving two ..bnghters his ooheira, the heirs .gen. of the eaurfar Hw— L SM pedkree, p 176.