Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/202

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180 ATIILUMNEY — ATIIOr.E. ATIILUMNEY. Barons [I.] /. Et. Hon. Sir: "William Mbheuvth SoMebviixe, Iiarb I 1863 [Hi "' Somorville, co. Meath, a. mid h. of Sir Maroms s. «( the same •1th Bart. [I.] bj- his 1st wife Mary Anne-, only lln. .mil b. .if Sir Richard Gorges Mkiikdyth, Bart [I.], //. 1802, was M.P. fur Droghedn 1837-52, fur Canterbury 1831-65, Under Secretary Home Department I84ii-I7. RoM Secretary fur Ireland 1847-52, anil l'.C. He was raised to the Peerage nf IrelandO) 14 Dee. 1863, being cr. IS WiOX ATHLUMNEY of Somerville and Dolfni-datuwn, oli Meath [1.], ami, within three years, was made a Veer of the United Kingdom, being cr., 3 May 18<J8, BAKOX MEUEDYTH o{ DoUardstown, «>. Meath. He We distinguished statesman and orator. He «'. firstly, 22 Dee. 5832, Marin Harriet, ytfc da. of Henry (Conim:h..m 1st Marquess Conynuham [I.] by Elizabeth, da. of Joseph Denison. She it. s.p.m.s. 3 Dee. 1843. He in. secondly, at Paris. Hi Oct. 1S60. Maria Georgiana Elisabeth, only da. of Herbert George .Links, Serjeant at Law, by Maria Alicia, 2nd da. of Sir George William Leeds, 1st Bart, lie it. 7 l>ee. 1873 at Dover. Kent. His widow is now (,1SS5) living. II. 1873. James Hehiieht Guht.ut.s Mbkbdytii (S.»mervii.i,e), Baron Athlimxey [I.], Baron Merkdvth [U.K.] and a Baronet [I.], only surv. a. and h. by 2nd wife, 6. 23 March I860 at Siimorvillc House. Ed. at Harrow aehooL Lieut. 5 butt. Koyal Canadians, 1SS2. Fa;, ihl AVra/c.x. — -These, in 1SS3, ennsisted of about 10,200 acres in en. Mcatli, nad about 300 in oo, Dublin. Total about 10,500 acres worth about fl 1,400 a year. See Bateman's "Great Landowners." Principal Raidence, Somerville House, uearNav.ui, co. .Meath. ATHNEBY, sou ATIIEXKY. ATHOLE, or ATHOLL.{ b ) Earls or 1. MADACH, B. of Mel maru (br. of Malcolm TIT, Kisc Countesses IS 1 " F SeOTLAHB, 1057-08) was witness to the charter of Sonne dat.

  • 1115 OS RAUL OK ATHOL15( c ) or ATHOLE IS.] He m. (|,r»l«

I. 1115. as a second wife) Margaret.C 1 ) da. of Haeo, Earl or Orkxky, theu part of the Kingdom of Norway, and was living 1124. II. 1150? Malcolm, Eakl of Atiiole [>S.], s. of Malcolm, who was probably s. of Madaeh by a prior marriage. He made a donation to the Priory of St. Andrews at some date before 1174, and to Dunifermline between 1183 and 1186. He m. Hextilda, da. of Waltheof. III. 1190? J. Henry, Earl of Atiiole [S.], s. and h., confirmed his father's grants. He mi. Margaret, and d. in the reign of Alexander II [S.], i.e. after 1214. IV. 1220? J,. tSABBL, «O0 jltiV CotlKTEBS of ATHOLE [S.], grand- daughter and h. being 1st da. of Constantino, s. and h. ap. of Earl Henry, who had </. y.p. She M> Thotaas DE GALLOWAY (br. to the well known Alan, Lord of Galloway), who in her right became Eaui. OV Athoi.k They jointly (*s (") The three extinctions used for this purpose, according to the Act of Union [I.] were C.uiKit (Karl of Glengall), Kivkksd u.K and Duxoannox. ( b ) This was one of the seven original Earldoms of ancient Scotland. See remarks under " Angus," p. 88. ( c ) Skene's " Celtic Scotland," vol. iii, p. 54. ( <l ) Her son sue. to Orkney, but not to Athole.