Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/203

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ATIIOLE. 181 Knrl and Countess) made a grant to the Abbey i>f Dunfermline. He (/. 1231. She seems to have m. secondly Alan DK Lundin, " Ostiarius Uegis," who is designed Raul l» Atiiou; in 1233 and 1235, but rvs bis signature appears afterwards without that designation, he probably held the Earldom in wardship (only) during the minority of his step son. V. 1231 .' ■>. Patrick (de Galloway), Earl op .Whole [8,1, only s. and h. Having been successful at a tournament against William Bisset, he was burnt to death by him at Haddington, 1242. He d. unm. VI. 1242. 8, Ferxei.itii, mo jura (Countess of Athole [S.], aunt and h,, being the yst. of the two daughters and coheirs of Constantino, and ll. ait of Karl Henry abovenanied. She m. David de Hastings, who, in her right, became Haul «v Athih.k [S.], and, as such, was one of the guarantees of a treaty of peace with Henry III iu 1241. VII. 1250/ 7. Ada, jum Col-.vtess ok Athoi.i: [S. ], da, and h. She hi. John BK StraBOLO] or .StUatjiiiogie, s. and h. of David, who was 3rd s. of Duncan, KaIii. ok Kike [S.] By this match her husband become, iu her ri;ht, Kim. OF Atmoi.k [8J, and, as such, he, with his Countess, in 1254, Oon&nned a donation made by the father of the latter to the monastery of Coupar. VIII. 12G0 I Sf. David (db Straboloi), Karl or Athole [S.], s. and h. Bern. Isabel, sister and coheir of Kichaid C'hii.ham allot DOVBK, da. of Kichard Chu.Ha.m by BoeBe, da. and h. of Kulbert DK Dovkh, all of Chilham Kent. He (/. in the seventh crusade, at Tunis, in 1269, His widow M, Alexander (BE Kai.!.ioi.), Loud BaLUOL (of Cavers), who survived her, and was living 1307. She rf. 3292 and was bur. in Canterbury Cathedral. IX. 1269. !j. JoHS (de Straboloi), Karl OF Athole [8A 8. and h. He was one of the Nobles who, 5 Feb. 1283-4, acknowledged Margaret, Maid of Norway, as their Sovereign. He d. 12S4. X. 1284. 10. John (de Strabolgi), Karl of Athole [8.1 s. and U. In 1292 he SWore fealty to Ed. I, but was a staunch adherent to Bruce, at whose coronation [S.] he assisted 27 March 1306. In the English invasion of Scotland, that followed, the Karl was taken prisoner to London, executed 7 Nov. 130ti (his body burnt and his head Bxed on London bridge), and his tide forfeited. XI. 130G. I. Ralph (de Moxthermer), Earl of Glou-1 g : & cestku, on whom, his father in law, Edward I conferred I J cfu-ros the whole of Annamlale with the title of EAHL OF ATHOLE [SJ >f |*8 He, however, for r,,000 marks, resigned such title in favour of the s. of » g % the lute Earl, as below. J K XII. 1307 ? //. David de Strabolgi, s. and h. of Joliu, 11th Karl, , was restored by Ed. II as Eaul ok Athole [S.] Before Feb. 1311-2 he had been constitute.! High Constable [S.1 by King Robert Bruce, but, rebelling against him in 1314, his lauds, office "nd title were forfeited by that monarch. Iu consideration, however, of his services to England he was suui.(') to the English Pari. (") Iu " Courthope," p. 451, it is stated that such summons was "in virtue of his English Barony of Chilham, co. Kent, says Duydalc," but Query.