Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/214

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192 ATTLNGIIAM — AUBIGNY. ATmOIIAJl. Sec " Berwick of Attinghafn, co, Salon," Btreon, or. 1784. AUBENY, sco D'aubeiiy. AUBERVILL Barons by Tenure.(») I. WiH C /. 1 Smm de Aubeki-im., or Orta-itvn.r.. b^Id divers Lordships in Essex and Suffolk. XL AVill. I. ./. Willum he Audeuvjm., L.ii-,1 ,,f Badey, Herts, by grant of the Conqueror. III. Hen. I. 5. IIrr;ji re AuiiEnvn.b, s. and ]i. r/. 1139. IY. 1139. J. WnxiAH ije AiiUEuvi/.r,, s. and h. He nt. Sfatflds, eldest of the three daughters and coheirs of Ralph do Glaxvillk, Justiciiu- of England. He was living 11H5, but U. before 1208. V. 1208? J h Hugh de Aubervill, 8. and h. et 1212. VI. 1212. -5. William de Atjbervill, & and h. lie */. s.p.ra. temp, John. Joan, his da. and h. m. firstly Henry de Sandwich, by whom she had no issue. She in. secondly Nicholas de CitioL, Lord of Albury, Herts. See " Cbiol." AUBIG5TST. (Alhiinwum). This is a FiviK-h Isnihsliip in the province of Berrii once the possession of Philip " le Bel " of Franco, Since the 15th century however, the style of " LOUD AUBIOMY " has been so frequently used both in England aud Scotland by its different possessors that the designation is often mistaken for an English or Scotch title. A brief account accordingly of the various meuibeis (all being of the House of Stuart) who held it is subjoined — I. 1421. Sin John Stuart of Darnley, co. Renfrew, s. andh. of Sir Alexander S. of the same hy Janet Hamilton", widow, da. and h. of Sir William Kkitii of t.alstoun, was Constable of the Scotch army in France, and having greatly distinguished the victory, 22 March 1431, over the English at Beaugi? in Anjou received from Charles the Dauphin (afterwards King Charles VII. of France) a grant of the Lordship of Aubh/ni/ and Concressault in the province of Ben) aud subsequently, 1420, the county of Evreux in the Duchy of descended (in the male line) from John, 1st Earl Gower. by his third wife, one Of the coheirs of Tufton. (II) Catherine (2nd da. of Lord Ato» m. Sir Ralph de Ewe, whose representative (or co representative) in USS5 was Sir Charles William Strickland of Boynton, Bart., through the family of Palme*; and (III) Elizabeth (Srd dftA* firstly Sir William I'layz, secondly John Conyera of Sokebourne, co. Durham, whose representative in 1885 was Lord (Jamoys, through the families of Conyera Talbot and Stonor. (") As to the account of this or any other Barony by tenure see p. 107, note "a."