Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/221

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AUDLEY. 199 usually called Baron of Wich Malbank. She was living 8 May 1363, but d. before 15 May 1364. He d. at Heleigh, 1 April 1386, and was bur. at Hulton Abbey. Will, in which he styles himself " Lord of Hony Castle [i.e. Ked Castle, Salop] and of Heleigh," dat. (1385) 9 Kic. II. III. 1386, 12. Nicholas (Atjdlby or de Aldithley), LORD AUD- tu LEY [and Qg. if not also LORD MARTIN >], s. and h. by 1st wife. 1391. He was in the wars of France (v.p.), 1359 and 1372, and was after- wards Chief Justice of Wales. He w:is sum. to l'arl. 17 Dec. 1387 to 12 Dec. 1390. He >n.. before April 1342, Elizabeth, da. of Alice, situ jure Countess OF BuchaN [S.], by Henry (Beaumont), Lord Beaumont. He d. s.p. 22 July 139], when the Barony of Audley together, apparently, with the Barony of Martin, fell into abeyance between his Bisters or their descendants.!^) His will dat. the year of bia death. His widow (/. 27 Oct 1400. Her will, in which she directs to be mtr, in Hulton Abbey, dat. 30 Sep. of the same year. IV. 140"). l-'i- *Johs Tcchet, great nephew aiul coheir, being s. and h. of John T., who was s. and h. of Sir John Tuchet (slain at BoeheUe, 1371', by Joan, sister of the whole blood of Nicholas. 3rd Lord Audley. He was 20 years old at the death of his said great uncle in 1391, to whom he was found "one of his next heirs." He was in the Welsh wars against Gleudower, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron [LORD AUDLEY] 21 Dee. 1405 to 26 Aug 1408, whereby the nkyunceoi the Barony of Audley was probably terminated in his favour; the writ was, however, directed (merely) " Jokanni Tuchet " (LORD TUCHET ?) He Ml. Isabel. He d. 19 Dec. 1408. V. 1408. 1 * (TucnET), Loud Audley, s. and h. aged ten years in 1408. He was sum. to Pari. 26 Feb. 1420-1 to 26 May 1455, the writ being directed " Jacoba dc Audley." He distinguished himself in the wars with France, having the chief command of some forces in 1430. Having raised 10,000 men on behalf of Henry VI he was defeated and slain by the Yorkists at the battle of Blore Heath, Salop. He in. firstly Margaret, da. of William (Roos), Lord Rous, by Margaret, da. of Sir John AliUNDKL. He in. secondly Eleanor, illegit. da. of Thomas (Hound), Eakt, ok Kent, by Constance, da. of Edmund (Plantagenet), Duke ok Yohk, but, according to Mills' Catalogue of Honour (1610), she was da. of Edmund Holand, by Elizabeth, Dow. Bakoness Le Despencer, da. and h. of Sir Bartholomew BmiOHESH.O') He d, (as abovenamed) 23 Sep. 1459.( c ) (") These were (1) John Tuchet, his great nephew, by Joaue his sister of the whole Wood, as mentioned in the text (2) Margery, his other sister of the whole blood, &«> aged 40 [sed '/ucrc !] and the wife of Sir Roger Hillary, but who d. s.p. in 1410, ™<l (3) [according to " Courthope "] " Folk, s. of Folk Fitz-Warin, s. of Margery, half sister of the said Nicholas " — but this last statement is difficult to reconcile with the pedigree of Fitz Warine, and with the age of Lady Hillary as above given, and that of John Tuchet References to Each., 15 Ric. II, p. 1, m. 1 ; to Claus., 15 Ric, II, m. 3, and to Fin., 15 Ric. II, n. 11 might possibly clear up this point. i b ) See "N. and Q.," 4th &, iii, 60S. But see, a!so, S,mdford's " Genealogical History," 1707, p. 379, wherein it is stated that Constance of York " was the paramour of Kdmond Holand, Earl of Kent, by whom she had been so long courted that at last sue brought him a da. named Eleanor, m. to James Touchet, Lord Audley, of which family the Audleys of Norfolk were descended. Which Eleanor would fain have made herself legitimate, but the right heirs preferred their bill in Pari, thereby proving her to he a bastard. an you may see in Poltou's printed statutes, anno 9 Hen. VI, cap. xi." T) His sous by his 2nd wife took the name of Audley. These were (1) Sir Humphrey Ai slain at Tewkesbury 1471, said to be ancestor of the Audley family of co. Norfolk ; and (2) Edmund Audley, Bishop of Rochester 14S0, of Hereford 1493, ««d of Salisbury 1502, who d. 23 Aug. 1524.