Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/292

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•270 BATHURST. BARON BATHURST OF BATTLESDEN, Beds. He was an active opponent of the Walpole Administration. P.O. to Geo. II (1742), and to Geo. Ill (17G0). Capt. of the Gentlemen Pensioners 1742 to 1744. Treasurer to the Prince of Wales, 1757-00. He obtained from Geo. Ill a pension of £2,000 a year on the Irish Establishment. He appears to have been a man of wit, taste and learning, and was a friend of Pope, Addison, 4c. On 27 Aug. 1772, in his 88th year and in the 01st year after his first elevation to the Peerage, he was cr. EARL BATHURST OF BATHURST, co. Sussex. He Bl. 6 July 1704, Catherine, da. of Sir Peter Apsley (his mother's br.) by Catherine, sister of William and da. of Samuel Fortrky j she, who became h. to her br. Peter Apsley, was bap, 6 July 16S8 at St. James Westm., and d. S June 176S, aged 70, being bin: at Cirencester. He, having lived to see his son become Lord Chancellor, </. 16 Sep. 1775 at Cirencester, aged 90, and was bur. there. JUV') Will dat. 28 April 1767, pp., with four codicils, 30 Oct. 1775. II. 1775. 2. Henry (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst, &c,{ c ) 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. b. 20 May 1714, his birth being said to have been at St. James Westm. Matrie. at Oxford (Ball. Coll.), 14 May 1730.C) Barrister (Line. Inn ), 1 736. AI.P. f«r Cirencester, ] 735 to 1 754 ; King's Counsel, ] 746 ; Solicitor Gen. to the Prince of Wales (1746) and, subsequently (1749), Attorney Gen. to the Prince of Wales, and afterwards (1751) to the Dow. Princess of Wale's. Justice uf the Common Pleas, 2 May 1754. Second Commissioner of the Croat Seal on 21 Jan. . 1770. at the end of a year's tenure whereof "the profession was greatly surprised on finding Judge Bathurst, who was considered the matt incapable ui the three Commissioners, selected,^) he being made P.C. on the 21st and Lord Chancellor on the 23rd Jan. 1771. On the following day, 24 Jan. 1771, he was cr LORD APSLEY, BARON OF APSLEY, co. Sussex. For his high legal position he appears to have been incompetent,^ and, though on 10 Feb. 1776 he acted as Lord High Steward at the trial of Elizabeth, Countess of Bristol, calling herself Duchess of Kingston, he resigned the Great Seal on 3 June 1778. He continued in the cabinet, as Lord President of the council, (1779), till the close of Lord North's ministry (of which he had been a staunch supporter) in 1782. He m. firstly 19 Sep. 1754, Anne, widow of Charles Philliits, da. of (— ) James. She d. s.p. 4 Feb. 175S, and was bur. at St. James Westm. He m, secondly at Maidwell, co. Northampton, 14 June 1759, Trvphena, da. of Thomas ScAWBN of Maidwell. He d. at Oakley Grove, near Cirencester, 6 Aug. 1794, in his 81st year.(«) Will pp. Sep. 1794. His widow, who C'o.mlton (s. and h. apparent of the Earl of Northampton), and to Lord Bri'ce (s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Ailesbury), bore date respectively the 28 and 29 Dec. 1711 ; the patent by which George Hay, styled Lord Dupplin (s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Kinnoul in Scotland), was eft Baron Hay, bore date 31 Dec. 1711 (the 30th being Sunday] ; while the patents to the remaining nine all bore the date of 1 Jan. 1711-2, the addition of thecraci hour (7 a.m. to 4 p.m. —no Peer having been cr. at 12 o'clock noonday) being added (in a smaller hand and apparently subsequently) to the date of their creation, notwithstanding that there is a warrant of Precedency ranking them accordingly. These nine, in their order of ranking, were Thomas (Windsor), Viscount Windsor [l.], cr. Baiion JIou.nt.ioy ; Henry Paget (s. and h. ap. of Lord Paget), cr. Baron Burton; Sir Thomas Mansell, Bart., cr. Baron Mansell ; Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bart., cr. Baron Middlkton ! Sir Thomas Trevor, cr. Baron Trevor ; George Granville, cr. Baron Lansdown ; Samuel Mashain, cr. Baron Masham ; Thomas Foley, cr. Bauon Foley, and (lastly) Allen Bathurst, cr. Baron Bathurst. See ante p. 40, note a, for some further remarks on these twelve creations. ( b ) " Till within a month of his dcatli he constantly rode out two hours every morning, and drank his bottle of wine after dinner."— See "Collins," vol. v, p. 91. {") His elder br. Benjamin Bathurst, sometime 1I.P. for Gloucester, d. v.p. 23 Jan. 1767, aged 06. ('!) Ho is said (though no such degree is recorded in the printed list of Graduate) to have been B.A. (Ch. Ch.) in 1733.— See " Judges of England " by E. Foss, F.S.A. (•) The others were Sir Sidney Stafford Sinythe, a Baron of the Exchequer, and Sir Richard Aston, a Justice of the King'n Bench. (0 Fossa " Judges." (8) ApSley House, Hyde Park Corner, was built for him between 1771 and UiS by the brothers Adam. It was sold in 1810 to the Wellesley family by his successor.