Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/331

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BBLHAVJJiV — BELLEISLE. 309 James having been father of Robert H. of Pressmennan the father of John, 2m! Lord Hamilton and Stenton [S.J abovenamed. (") He m. at New Kirk, Edinburgh, 1 Feb. 1764, Susan, '2nd da. of Sir Michael Balfour, Bart. [S.] of Denmiln, p0 - Fife! He d. at Wishaw, 27 March 1764. His widow d. at Edinburgh, 9 Jan. 1788.] 7. "William Hamilton of Wishaw afd., s. ami h., VII. [1784 who in 1784 was entitled to be Lord BbUUVEn and Stenton [S.] and] but who did not assume that title till it was (on his petition) deter- 1799. mined in his favour by the House of Lords, 25 April 1799. He was b. 13 and bap. 22 Jany. 1765 at Cambusnethan ; was an officer in the 3rd, or King's own, Dragoons j Col. of the Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire feasible cavalry, &c. He m. at Edinburgh, 2 March 17S9, Penelope, da. of Ronald Macdonald of Clanronald, co. Inverness. He d. 29 Oct. 1814 aged 49. Admon. June 1S34. His widow d. 5 May 1816. M.I. to both at Cambusnethan. VIII. 1811. S. Robert Montgomery (Hamilton) Lord Belhaven and Stenton [S ], s. and h., b. 1793. Rep". Peer [S.], High Com- missioner to the Gen. Assembly of the Church [S.1, Lord Lieut, of co. Lanark. On 10 Sep. 1831 he was raised to the Peerage of the Realm, being it. BARON HAMILTON OK WISHAW, co. Lanark. He m. 16 Dec. ISIS at Cambusnethan, Hamilton, da. of Walter Frederick CaMVBElA of Shawfieid by his 2nd wife Mary Nisdet. He d. s.p. 22 Dec. 1808, in his 75th year at Wishaw House, when the Barony [U.K.] granted to him iu 1831 became extinct and the Scotch Peerage for some years remained dortnant. His widow d. at Wishaw House 8 Sep. 1S73 aged S3. Both bur. at Cambusnethan. IX. [1868. 'J. .Iames Hamilton-, cousin anil k male, was, in and] 1S0S entitled to be Lokd Beuuve.y and Stenton [S.], but did 1875. not assume that title till it was determined in his favour by the House of Lords, 3 Aug. 1S75.( 1 ') He was s. aud h. of Archibald Hamilton, Surgeon 2nd Regt. (by Mary, da. of David Clahke) which Archibald was s. and h. of James H. of Stevenston in Bothwell, s. of another James H. of the same, ivhu n» a jr. br. of William H. of Wishaw, the father of Robert, the, dc jure, 6th Lord. He was //. 29 Aug. 1822 and sue. his father 23 Feb. 1823. He m. 30 Aug. 1877 Georgina, 1th da. of John Watson of Carnock and Neilslaud, co. Lanark. Family Estate'. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 2,000 acres in Lanarkshire aud about 900 in Midlothian. Total 3,043 acres, worth about £5,033 a year, "exclusive of a rental of £I'J,(>21 for minerals."— See Batemau's "Great Landowners." Chief seat— Wisliaw House, near Motherwell; co. Lanark. BELLA AQUA, sec " Bellkw." BELLAMONT, sec "Bellomont." BELLASIS, see Belasyse. ■ BELLEISLE. Viscountcy [I.] 1. Ralph (Gore) Baron Gore of jtfanor Gore [I.] was, T i 7 fiR on 25 Aug. 1768, er. VISCOUNT BELLEISLE OP BELLEISLE, , ' co. Fermanagh [I.] On 4 Jan. 3772, lie was ci: %akl ok Boss [I.], lftfto At llis death, s.p.m.s., in 1802, his peerages became extinct. See fuller account under " Ross " Earldom of. [1], cr. 1772 ; ex. 1802. (") See tabular pedigree page 307, note " a. ( b ) " The petitions- is of Albany street, Leith, recently Clerk to n Wine Merchant. -See " Her. aud Gen.," (March 1873) viii, 64.