Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/355

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BERKELEY. 333 V. 1523. 5 [1.] or 15. Thomas Berkeley, de jure (apparently) fT . Loud de BbkKELBY(» [H21] br. and h. who "may bee called Thomas [1. 1043. J j/ ic Shccpmastcr," he " living a kind of grazier's life, having his flocks of sheep sommering in one place and wintering in other places as hee observed the feilds and pastures to bee found and could bargaine best cheape." He was 6. 1172, probably at Thonibury afsd, and on 9 Sep. 1513 was iu command at the kittle of Flodden, receiving Knighthood the same day from the Earl of Surrey. Constable of Berkeley Castle 15 May ( 1514) 6 Hen. VIII. Sheriff of co. Glouc. (1523) 14 Hen. VIII. On 9 Aug. [1529J 21 Hen. VIII he was sum. to Pari, as a Baron [LORD DE BERKELEY] by writ directed " Theme Berkley de Bcrkley."( b ) He w. firstly (1504-5) 20 Hen. VII, Eleanor, widow of William Inglebv, da. of Sir Mar- mduke Constable at Flamboro,' co. York. She d. 1525 and was bin-, at St. Augustine's, Bristol. He m. secondly in 1526 Cicely, widow of Richard Rowdon of Gloucester, da. and coheir ..f [ ]. Ho d, at Mangotsfield, Bristol, 22 Jan. (1532/3) 24 Hen. VIII, in his 01st year, and was bur. at St. Augustine's afsd. Will dat. 28 April 1532 to Jan. 1532/3. His widow "called my Lady Cicely of Bristol," d. at Bristol between July and Nov. 1553 and was i>«c at St. Augustine's afsd. VI. [or II]. 1533. 6' [..'] or 10. Thomas (Berkeley), Lord de Berke- ley,^) s. and h. by 1st wife, who "may bee called Thomas the Hupcfull." He was b. at Hovinghain, co. York, 150S, and ed. at St. Omer's in Artois. He was sum. as a Baron to the Pari, held 5 Jan. (1533/4), 25 Hen. VIII,( b ) and, tho' not in possession of the Berkeley estates, was ranked in the precedency of his ancestors as third Baron on the roll. Constable and Porter of Berkeley Castle and Keeper of the Park, S March 1532/3. He m. firstly, in 1525, Mary, da. of George (Hastings) Eakl of Huntingdon (1529) by Aun, da. of Henry (STAFFORD), Duke of Buckingham. She </. s.p. March 1532/3. He Hi. secondly, (shortly afterwards) April 1533, Ann da. of Sir John Savage of Erodsham, co. Chester. He d. 22 Sep. 1534 at Stone, near D&rtfofd, Kent and was bm: the 22nd at Stone. His widow d. Oct. 1564, aged 58 at Callowdon, co. Warwick, and was bur. at St. Michael's, Coventry. Admon. 21 Jan. 15C4;. r .. YII [or III]. 1534. 7 [5] at 17. He.vry (Berkeley), Lord de Ber- keley, posthumous & and h., by 2d wife, who "may be called Henry the Harmless?, or Posthumous Hcnry."{°) He was b. 26 Nov. 1534, 9 weeks and 4 days after his Father's death. At the death of King Edward VI, 6 July 1553, and the consequent failure of heirs male of the body of Henry YII, he obtained possession (under the entailof 14SS) of the estate of Berkeley (as also of many other estates) which had been alienated above 60 years. the coronation of Queen Mary, 2S Sep. 1553. By royal warrant S Sep. 1554 he had spec, livery of his lands, tho' Under age. It is stated( l >) that " he is recorded to have sat in the Pari, held [20 Jau., 1557/8] 1 and 5 Ph. and Mary" ; anyhow he was sum. to Pari, (by writ directed " Henrico Berkley ") from 5 Nov. [155S] 5 and 6 Ph. and Mary to 13 Nov. [1006] 4 Jac. He took his seat 25 Jany. 155S/9, and was ranked similarly to his predecessors (Lords de Berkeley) many of whom had not possessed the Castle and Honour of Berkeley. In 1603 he was Lord Lieut, of the co. of Gloucester. He m. firstly at Kenninghall, eo. Norfolk, iu Sep. 1554 Katharine (then aged 10) 3rd da. of Henry, styled Haul of SciHIET (s. and h. ap of Thomas, ( a ) According to Smyth's " Berkeleys " Vol. II p. 669 he was styled " Lord Berkeley, Mowbray and Segrave." See ante p. 331, note "c " as to the titles assumed by his Predecessor, the Marquess Berkeley 1489 to 1492. (*) The important point of these writs (1529 aud 1533) having been issued to these Barons respectively, is, strange to say, not mentioned in the life of them in Smyth's "Berkeleys" tho' the fact is alluded to at p. 56 of the same vol. (vol. II) at the end of Smyth's arguments for the precedency of the Barony of Berkeley. ( c ) According to Smyth's "Berkeleys" lie was styled " Lord Berkeleys, Mowbray, Segrave and Breouse," the adoption of which last Barony (Braose of Gower) is an innovation superadded to the assumption of his precedessors. See ante p. 331, note "c " Wd post p. 334, note "a." C) "Nicolas" reproduced in " Courthope." 2 A