Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/39

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ABERGAVENNY. 17 PEDIGREE Shewing the Owners (if the Castle and Honour of Abergavenny, (marked XIII to XXXI respectively), from 1272 to 1534. First wife.=pXIII. John, Lord Hastings (1295), 5th in descent from=f«Second wife. I "Williiini de Braose, who acquired the Lordship of Aber- I | gavennv in 1175. He sue. thereto in 1272, and d. 1313. I . L_, _ j XIV. John, Elizabeth, .Sir Hugh Hastings, in whose issue Roger (Mortimer), Lordllastings, m, Roger, the Barony of Hastings vested in Earl of March, 1313 to 1325. Lord Grey 1391 ; the abeyance being termi- d. 1330. of Ruthin. nated accordingly in 1841. T X T XV. Laurence, Lord Hastings,=j=Lady Agnes a: Eavl of Pembroke 1339, d. 1348. Mortimer. Thomas (Ueauchamp),' Earl of Warwick, d. 1309.

Lady Katha-

riueMortimer. XVI. Earl of 1'eiubroki d. 1376. 1iii,t=XVII. Ann Manny held the Cattle, (tc 1376. ! (2) XIX. illiam Beauchamp, : ittC- to the Castle, etc. 1391, sum. as Lord 1392, d. Mil.

XX. Joane FitzaJan,

held the Castle, etc. in dower, d 14 Nov. 1435. H (i) Thomas (Beau- champ) Earl of Warwick, s. & h. d, 1401. T XVIII. Join Earl of Pembroke, <(. s.p. 1391. Richard (Beauchamp)^ cr. Earl of Worcester, I 1420, ( /. before his | mother, s.p.m. 1422. Isabel Despencer, sole=j=XXI. Richard, Earl of Warwick, heir of the (attainted) i h. nude of his uncle in 1422. In Nov. Barony op Lk Des- j 1435 ho .inc. to the Castle, <fc. (under PRNCKB, d. 1440. | the entail of 1390), and had seizin | thereof IS Feb. 1435-6, d. 1 139. I — XXII. Sir EdwardFf Elizabeth, Xevill,sum. as Lord, Bergavenuy 1450, .U176. only da. and h. of her fallicr, d. 1448. XXIII. Henvy, cr. Duke of War- wick, Seized of the Castle, &c. d. s.p.m. 11 June 1445. s= 1 Richard (Nevill)=j=XXV. Amie, who in 1448 Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, d. 1471. George, Lord Bergavenuy, 1482tol491. In 1450 he had become colicir of his grandmother IsabelDespen- cer. Heci.1492. T_ XXXI. Oeorgc 1497 to 1534, XXIV. Anne, da. & h., d. young 3 June 1448. XXVI.=j=Isabel, X became coheir of her mother. She w;is some- time seized of the Castle, Jjc, d. about 1490. George, Duke of Clar- ence, held the Castle, tic, jure uxoris, d, 1477. ^ da. & coheir, m. 1469, d. 1476. Anne, da. & coheir, (i.s.p.8. 14S5. =XXVII. Richard 111, held the Cas- tle &c. jure ux- oris, d. 1485. Edmund (Tudor), Earl of Rich- mond. XXIX. Jas- per(Tudor), Duke of Bedford, to whom tltc Castle <bc. was (/ranted byHeu.VII, and who held it in 1493, d. s.p. 1495. Lord Bergavenuy, to whom the Crown Wared the Castle, Ac., d. 1535. Elizabeth=i=XXVIlI. Henry VII, to of York, h. of the Crown. whom the Castle etc. es- cheated on the death of Hie. III. He d. 1509. XXX. Henry VIII, who restored the Castle etc. to George (Nevill), Lord Bergavenuy.