Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/397

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BOLTON — BONV1LLI5. 375 Having m. 7 April 1778 at St, Marylebone, "Jean Mary BiiowNK-rowLEiT," usnalHy called Miss Powlett,'") illogit. da. of Charles (Powlett), 5th Br/KE (if Bolton, by " Km. Mary Browne Banks," ( a ) and having in right of his said wife, on the death of the last Dolce of Bolton in 17I>4, me. to Bolton Castle and other estates, took by Royal lie. 7 Jan. 171)5, tat himself and issue, the surname, of Pimlctt after that af <hdc, and was cr. 20 Oct. 1787 BARON BOLTON (IK BOLTON CASTLE, eft York, taking his seat 3 Nov. following. Lord Lieut, of Hants. lie rf. 30 July 1S07, and was bur. at Old Basing, Hants. Will pr. Aug. 1807. His widow d. at the llotwells, Bristol, 14 Hoc. 1814, and was in?-, at Old Basing. Will pr. Feb. 1S15. II. 1807. "William Powlett (Ohde-Powlett',, Baron Bolton ok Bolton Castli:, formerly William Powlett Oiidp, 1st s, and h.. 4, 31 Get. and bap. 8 Dee. 1782 at St. James' Westm., JI.P. for Yarmouth. (Isle of Wight) 1807. He >«. 8 May 1810 at Bisbam, Berks, Maria, Istda. of Ony (CaRLETOn), 1st BaKoN DolieHlSTKli, by Mary, 3rd da. of Thomas (Hov.'.uid Kaiu. ok Ewinguam. He </. s.p. at Uackwood Park Lj'and ,vi:s bin: 20 July 1 Sf.O at Old Basing. Will pr. Aug, IrioO. His widow, vh>> was b. in the Chateau St. Louis, at Quebec, 20 Aug. 1777, at. 10 Nov. 18S3 at Odiham Rectory, Hants iu her S7th year. III. ls.">0. ■>■ "William IIk.vny (Okde-Powlett), Bakon Boltu.v OF BOLTON CASTLE, nephew and h., being 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. of Thomas Powlett Orde-1'owlett of Bolton Hall, in the North Hiding of co. York, by l.etitia illcgit. da. of Henry O'BhikN of Blatherv.ick rark, co. Northampton, which Thomas Powlett was br. to the last Lord, and d. v.f. 31 Jan. 1 843, aged 56. He was b. in Weymouth Street 21 Feb. and bap. 7 March 181S at St. Marylebone. He m. 12 March 1811, at Eastwood, Notts Letitia, yst. da. of Hobert Chawhtid of Ncwh'ehl, co. Ayr ; I ol.-Coin. of the Ayrshhc Yeomanry. She d. i Jan. 1882, aged 57. Family I'tUttet. — These, in 1883, consisted of 15,113 acres iu the North Hiding of Yorkshire, and of 13.S08 in Hampshire. Total, 2U.221 acres, being of the animal value of £27,552. PrinciMl J?ew<fe>i«».— Haekwood Park, near Basingstoke, Hants, and Bolton Hall, near Bcdale, Yorkshire. "LK SCRUPE DE BOLTOX," see "SCROPE" Bnroiiy, or. 1371, under the date of M il. BOLTON CASTLE. See " Bolton of Bolton Castle, cu. York." Barony, cr. 1797. BOLTOUK i.r. "LnliD TlIIHLESTAXK ASD BoLTOCN," [S.]. See " L.VUDEEDALE," Earldom of [S.], or. 1021. BOXKILL. i.e. " Lord Douglas ok Bonkill, Prestoun and Robertoun," [S.]. See " DOUGLAS," Dukedom of [S.] ; ci: 1703 ; ex. 1701. POA'VILLE DE CHUTON. 1. WtttlAJl t'ONVlLLE of Chewkm, Soniersut,() mid h. of JohtJ ii., by Elizabeth, da. and h. of John FlTX ROOBB of CUcw- ton afsd , 6. at Shute, co. Somerset, 12 or 31 Aug. 1908, sue. his Grandfather, Sir William Bonvilleof Shute, 11 Feb. M07/S (who had survived John B.ahoveiiamed his s.and h.ap.),andsi« his mother in the (») These are so named in the will of Charles, Duke of Bolton, dak -1 June to 23 Nov. 1703, by which he devised considerable estates to the former (his da.) in the event (which took place in 1791) of the death of his br. Lord Harry Powlett, afterwards 6th and last Duke, nf Boltnn, without malt issue. () Sec a good account of this family by Sir John Maclean in his " Trigg Minor, ' corrected by B. W. Greenfield in N. aud Q., oth S. viii, 430 and ante. Barony by- writ. I. 1449.