Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/409

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BOTHWELL. 387 of tli.-it family. At the gen. revocation, 20 .Time 1483, of all grants made during the King's minority, those to him (and to Sir John Row) were executed. He was o}ia of the Embassy to conelude in Oft. 1501, the marriage of James IV. [S.J, with Margaret, da. " of Homy VII. He |». before 1 Feb., 14S0/1, Janet, da. o£ James (, 1st E.vBf- or Mokto.v [8.,] by Joanna, 3rd da. of James I., Kixa ok Scotland. He was living ] fjO?, lint </. soon after that date. II. 150M .'?. Adam (llF.riiuiiN), Eaul or l'.oTiivi:rx, && [S..], s. and h.. »«». his father i.i his extensive possessions, and also as Hioit Ahmiuai. f s -I Sheriff Principal of eo. (Sdinbuigh, ftfc, before 20 April, 1510. He was slain (with his King at the battle <>| Flodden, having at one time nearly captured the English .Standard. He l/t. soon after 25 Aug. 15]], Agnes StBWAST, iJlegit., (/, tstttrd-iititum!) da. of James, Eaul or liucUAN [S.J, hy Margaret MxniR.1V, of the house of l'hilphaiigh. He ti. 9 Sep. 1513, as aforesaid. His widow hi. fas his 2nd wife) iiotti'rt (Ma.vwi.ll'. IjOHD .IIa.mvku, f.S.,j who <t fl July 1540. She obtained letters of legitimation under the great Seal [S.J 31 Oct. 1552. III. 1513, •>'. Patrick (IIiumsuux), Earl wf Tiothwell, &c. [S.], an infant of 2 years old at his Father's death. He passed into Eng- Innd Dec. 1531, and intrigued against his King, who imprisoned hiin in Edinburgh Castle (where he still was in June 1533), and compelled hint to resign the Lordship of Liddisdale in Sept. 15.18, which, however, lie afterwards recovered in 1513. He was present at the Pari. [S.J 15 March 1512/3, where, being in the French interest, he was opposed t" the projected match between the infant Queen [S.] and Prince Edward of England. ( :l j but was (as was also the Earl of Kamox) endeavouring to obtain for himself ill marriage Mary nf Guise, the Queeu dowager [S.J Having embarrassed his fortune by this and other extrava gances, he appears to have gone over to the English interests, and Was imprisoned 15 15-1 517. On 3 Sep. 151!) Edward VI. proclaims him as under " our protection." He m. Margaret Hume, and il. probably in exile, Sep. 1530. IV. 1556 ■'/■ Ja»K3 (Uni-nuns), Earl w ISotuweix axd Loed to HALES [S.J, only s. and h., . about 1530, was serve 1 b. to his father 1567 3 Nov. 1550,( l1 ) and, tho' a I'rotestant, took part with the Court against the Congregation. He was expelled in 15'i3 and again in Ij6R by the Earl of Moray [S.J, but on .Moray's banishment (also in 1505), was received hit" high favour by the Queen [S.J, who gave him a grant of the Abbeys ..I" Haddington an 1 Melrose, the oll'tce of Hum Au.MlUAi.JS.J.and the Wardeuship of the f/im' marshes, never before held by one person. He was one of the chief actors in the murder, lu Fob. 1500/7, of (DAttJtUrt) the unfortunate King Consort [S-J. for which ho was aopiitted, 12 April 1.507, none daring to appear as a witness against hitn. He in. firstly, 22 Feb. 1 505/0, Jean, 2nd da. of George (OoitDON), 4th EaKI ov HfNTiA [S. 1, by Elizabeth, da. of Robert (Keith), Louii Kkitii [S.J. On 7 May 1507 this marriage was annulled as being within the 4th degree of consanguinity.( c ) On 12 May 1507 (in anticipation of his 2nd marriage) he was ci: DUKE OF ORKNEY AND MARQUESS OF FIFE [8J with the jurisdiction and crown rents of Orkney. Three days after- wards, on the lath, the marriage between himself and the Queen. [Mary or Scotland], took place at Holyrood Chapel, both in tho Roman Catholic and Protestant form, he having previously met the Queen atCramond bridge, whence (24 April) with an armed force, (but without auy opposition), he had conducted her to Dimbar from which place (») lie is so described by Sadler, who, in a letter, dat. 5 May 1543, says : "As to the Earl of Eothwell, who hath the rule of Liddisdale, I think bun the most vain and insolent man in the world, full of pride and folly, and here nothing at all esteemed." l'itseottie describes him as "fair ami whitely, something hanging sh uthlered and going forward, but of a gentle humane countenance." Ho is styled by NYalsingliain a " Glorious, rash and hazardous young man." ( c ) She in-, 'secondly, at Strathbogie, 13 Dee. 1573, Alexander (Uoh/io.y) Haul Of Situkklani' [S.J, wh ' had ilivorced his prim wife in the same year, ami who J. 0 Pie. VAli in his 43rd year, being ancestor, by her, of the future Earl*. Shew., thirdly, Alexan (er Ugilvy of iiuyue, whom she also survived, and It May 102'.', in her SitU year.