Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/418

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39 G BOVEKE. BOURKE OF CONNELL. Barony [I.] |. Sir William Bourke of Citsfcle Council, eo. I 1580 Limorick, s. am! h, of Edmund Ji. of the s.!me.(") w.h knighted by the Lord Deputy Sydney [I.] in 1500, and, having distinguished him- self in the defeat (18 Aug. 157S) of James Fit/. Maurice, that " arch traitor."! '•) in which engagement two of his sous were slain, was, on 18 Mav 15S0, <■>•. BARON BOUEKE OF CONNELIi in Ireland [I]. He in. Catharine, da. of John (Fitz Thomas) Ka.ul ok Desmond [I.], by Maul, da. of Mdion O'Brien. He d. lS8i II. 1584. 2. Jons (Bourke), Baron Bourke of Coxxell, [I.J, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Theobald Bourke, by Mary, da. of Donough (O'Brif.n). 2nd Karl of Thomond [LI, which Theobold was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord, and was slain, v. p., 10 Aug. 1575, in the fight aboveuamed. He sat in Par!, [I.] as a Baron 20 April 15S5. He d. num., being murdered M Jan. 1591/2 on Houuslow Heath, Midx., by one Arnold Cosby, who was hanged accordingly. III. 1592. J. Richard (Bourke), Bason Bourke of Coxxell, [[.], br. and h. He also d. num., being slain at Ballynecargy, co. Limerick,. 2S Feb. 151)9, in the rebellion excited by the Earl of Tyrone. IV. 1599. 4- Thomas (Bourke), Bason Bourke of Coxnell, [I.], br. and h. He wi., before 1688, Houora, da. of Connor O'Mulryax of Annagh, co. Limerick. He was slain, a few hours after his br. and predecessor, at the same place, 28 Feb. 1599. V. 1599. 5. Edmund (Bourke), Baron Bourke of Coxxell, [I.], s. aud h. He, being an infant, was for some time deprived of his rights (according to the Irish custom of Tauistry) by his uncle, Theobald Bourke (afterwards a: Lord Bourke of Brittas, [I.]), but regained them, and sat in Pari., [1.], & a Baron, 1034. He m,, before 15S8, Thomasin, da. of Thomas Browne of Hospital, co. Limerick. He d. 1035 aged 17. VI: 1G35. G. William (Bourke), Barox Bourke of Coxxell, [I.], s. and h. He was a Commander in the Minister Army, Hill, was outlawed 1613, but restored 1001. He m. Ellen, da. of Maurice (KOCHe), Viscount Fermoy [I], by Ellen, da. of John Power, of Curraghmore. VII. 1GG5? 7. Thomas (Bourke), Barox Bourke of Coxxell, [I.], s. and h. He m. Margaret, da. of Matthew HoRK, of Shandon, co. Waterford. VIII. 1GS0? S. William (Bourke), Barox Bourke of Coxxell, to [I.]s. andh. He accompanied Jiimes II. into exile. H&vftaattainted 1691. w 1091, when his peerage became forfeited. He d. s.p. in Franco.^) (*) Derived from Sir Edmund do Burgh " na Feisoge," one of the (bastard ?) sons of Richard " the Bed," Karl of Ulster [[.]. which Edmond was murdered by his kinsman in 1328. () See Vincent's :l Nobiles Hibarnitc," in Coll. of Arms. ( c ) The next in succession to the title (had it not been for the attainder) was John Bourke, his cousin andh. male (stitliivj himself Lord BOURKR of Brittas [[.]). being s. and h. of Theobald, sometime 3rd Lord Bourke of Brittas {attainted 1091), s. and h. of William Bourke, br. of John, 2nd Lord Bourke of Brittas, both being sons of Theobald, 1st Lord Bourke of Brittas, who was next br. to Thomas, 4 th Baron Bourke of Council aboveuamed. He also was one of the exiled followers of the Stuart Kings in France, He m. Catharine, da. of Col. Gordon O'Neill, and d. at St. Germains, near Paris, leaving issue two sons — viz. : (1) Joii.v BoCSKE, ttjtimg himself Loud Bouhkk of Co.v.vell and of Brittas [I.], a. and h., Captain in the French service, of whom nothing further is known ; and (2) Thomas Bourke, Lieut-Gen. in the Sardinian service. In the event of the issue male of Theobald, l8t Lord Bourke of Brittas, being extinct, that of the 4 younger sons of the 1st Lord Bourke of Council may still exist. These were— (1) Ulick B, of Garaneeky, co Limerick ; (2) William B., slain in battle, 19 Aug 1578 ; (3) David B. ; and (4) John B., ( " '