Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/424

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402 BOYLE — BOYNE. BOYLE OF KELBURN, &c. BOYLE OF STEWARTOTJN, &c. 1. David Boyi.k of Kellmvn, co. Ayr, wan, on 31 Jan. 1698/0, cr. LOUD BOYLE of KELBURN, STKVYARTOUN, Cl'MBEA., LARGS asoJ)ALKY[S.]. On 12 April 1703, ho was cr. EARL OF GLASGOW, VISCOUNT OF KELBURN, and LORD BOYLE OF STEWARTOUN, CUMBHAES, FINNICK, LARGS AND DALRY fS.], with n Spec. rem. (in both instances) to heirs male. See " Glasuow," Earldom of [S.], er. 170-J. BOYLE OF MARSTOX. 1. (Boyle), Earl ok Orrery, Lord Boyi.e, Baron of Buouhili. [I.], was on 5 Sep. 1711 it. BARON DOYLE of Marstou, co. Somerset. See " Qf.RKBT," Earldom of [1], er. 1060. HOYLE [Ireland]: ix. " VISCOUNT BOYLE AM ) KARL OF SHANNON [I.]. See "Suannon," Earldom of [I.], a: 1756. BOYLE, co. ROSCOMMON. i.e. "BARON ERRLS OF BOYLE, co. Roscommon " [l.J, er. 1S00. f See •• Lorton," Viacwtutcy [1.1, ec Le. " VISCOUNT LORTON OF j isoo. BOYLE, co. Roscommon " [LJ, er. 1806. J BOYNE. Viscountcy[l.] 1. Gusiavim (Hamilton), Baron Hamilton of Stack- 1 1717 t 1 Wi "" 20 Au K- er. VISCOUNT BOYNE in the province of Leinster [J.]. He was 3rd and j-st. s. of Sir FbeDERICR Hamilton of Manor Hamilton, (formerly CtUTOWTOBse) in the Barony of Dromahere, CO. I.ritrini (sometiine an officer under Gnstavns Adolphus, Kingof Sweden and, subsequently, under James 1 and Charles I of England), by Sidney, da. and h. of Sir John VaWHaS, Gov. of Londonderry, which Frederick was yr. s. of Claud (Hamilton), 1st Lord I'aisllv [SJ He was b. about 1340, and early joined the army. Being in attendance as Cant, on the Duke of Ormond, Chancellor of Oxford, he was cr- D.C.L. of that Univ. on 5 Aug. 1 077. B.C. to James 1 1, William III, Anne, and Geo. I. In 1080 lie espoused the Brotestant cause, defending Ooleraine and Deny agonist the Irish, distinguishing himself at the battle of the Boynk (where his horse was shot under him), and storming Athlone, of which he was made Gov., receiving a grant of forfeited lauds. He was M.B. for co. Donegal 16H2- 1609 and 1703-1707. Being then a Major Gen. he was on 20 Oct. 1715 cr. BARON HAMILTON OF STACKALlAN [I.] and in less than two years afterwards was cr. Viscount Boyne [I.] as abovcp 1 ] He in. Elizabeth, 2nd. d. of Sir Henry Brooke of Brooke's Borough, co. Fermanagh by his 2nd. wife Anne, da. of Sir George St. Gkokue, Bart. She d. at Staekallan, co. Meath, 28 Dec. 1721. He (/. there 16 Sep. 1723 in his 84th year. II. 1723. Oe.stayun (Hamilton), Viscount Boyne, &e. [I.] grandson and h. beings, and h. of the Hon. Frederick Hamilton, by Sophia, sister of James, 1st. E.Mii. of Ci.anuiia.ssil [1.] da. of James Hamilton of Tollymore, which Frederick was 8. anil h. ap. of the 1st. Visconnt and (I. v.p. 10 Dec. 1715. He was b. 1710 ; ed. at YVcstm. School ; took his seat in the House of p») The preambles (very copious ouus) to both these creations are in " Lodge " vol. V. p. 176, &c. Barony [S.] I. 1699. I. 1703: Barony. I. 1711.