Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/62

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40 AILESBURY. [Robert Burros, styled. Lord Bruce, s. and h. ap. by 1st wife, b. 6 Aug. 1679. He d. young v.p. and 3. p.] 111. 1711. J. Charles (Bruce), Earl of Ailesbdry, &c. [E.], also Kaiil (ik Elgin, &c. [S.], 2ml but only sui v. a. and li. by first wife. He was M.P. for Great Bedwyn 1 706-08 ; ami was elected also in 1710, but eat for Marlborough 1710 to lill. On 31 Dec. 1711, he was sum. bo the House of Lords, v.p., in his fat liar's Barony, as LORD URUCIC OP WHORLTON. (*) He »»<-. his fat her in Nov. 1741. and on 17 App] 17 Iti was cr. BAHON BKUCE OF TOTTENHAM, Wilts, with a spec, ran., i}') failing the heirs male of his body, to Thomas Bruce BlU'DKNKU., 4th and Yst. s. uf Elizabeth (his only sun', sister of the whole blood), by George, 3rd Earn, ok CaiiD:<;.i> He m. firstly Anne, 1st da. and coheir of William (Savillk), 2nd MaRijijess ok Halikax, by his 1st wife Elizabeth, da. of Sir Samuel linnisTON, Bart., of Gorhambury, Herts, sister and h. of Sir Harbottle G. She </. IS July 1717. Hem. secondly, 10 Jan. 1 720, Juliana, '-'nd. da of Charles (Boyle) 3rd Earl of Burlington [E.] and 3rd Earl of Cork [1], by Juliana, da. and h. of Henry NoKL of Luflenham. Rutland. She </. s.p., 26 March 1739. He in. thirdly at Somerset House Chapel, .Midx., 18 June 1739, Caroline, only da. of Gen. John Oamhiku. of Mamore, afterwards (1701) 4th Duki: ok Ahuyli. [S.]", by Man-, da. uf John 1 Hkli.i:si>i:n). 2nd Lord Bkllkkdes [&] He d. s.p.m.s., 10 Feb. 1746-7; will pr. April 17 )7. On his death the EAULDOM OF ELGIN, and the BAHOKY OF BRUCE OF KIN LOSS [:>.], devolved (under the spec. rem. in the patent of 1 033) on his cousin and h. male, Charles b. 1733, who hi. Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Stolberg Guederu. Their eldest da, and coheir, Louisa Maxitniliana, 6. 21 Sep. 17fi2, nt., 17 April 177'.', Charles Edward Sttaiit [titular, CHAltLKs 111), the young Chevalier de St. George, who </. s.p., Jan. 17SS. .See below under "Albany " [titular] Eaii »f, 1700. (") He was one of the twelve Peers created in that month (Doe. 1711) to secure a majority in the house of Lords for the Tory Administration. They are said to have been sarcastically asked by the Earl of Wharton in allusion to a Jury of twelve , whether they tendered their votes separately, or " or by their Foreman." Three of these were eldest sons of Peers, viz. ; — • Bruce (s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Ailesbury), sum. in his father's Barony. Comptou (s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Northampton), sum. in his father's Barony. Paget (e. and h. ap. of the Lord Paget), ci: Lord Burton. The other nine, arranged alphabetically as to their surnames and titles of Peerage, were — Bathurst, cr. Lord Bathurst. Jhipplin, Lord, see Hay. Foley, cr. Lord Foley. Granville, cr. Lord Lansdowu. Hay, styled Lord Dupplin, being s. and h. ap. of the Earl of lunuoull [S.], cr. Lord Hay. Lansdown, Lord, see Grauvile. Mansel, cr. Lord Manse]. Masham, cr. Lord Masham. Middleton, Lord, see Willoughby. Mountjoy, Lord, see Windsor. Trevor, cr. Lord Trevor. Willoughby, cr. Lord Middleton. Windsor, Viscount Windsor [I.], cr. Lord Mountjoy. ( h ) This spec. rem. is the more remarkable as he had female issue of his own, which represented him and his family, while the issue of his sister not only did not represent the family of Bruce, but were not even entitled to quarter their armorial ensigns. Of his three married daughters, the eldest, Mary (wife of Henry Brydges, afterwards Duke of Chandos), is (iu 1884), represented by her descendant the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, who thus became the senior coheir (heir of line) to Mary Tudor, Queen of Prance, sister of Henry VIII. (See p. 39, uote (00 A lock of this lady's hair was among the articles at tho sale of the effects of the (then) Duke of Buckingham, at Stowe, Bucks, in August 1848, and sold for tho small sum of £7 10s. It had been, however, accpiired by purchase (not descent) iu 1780, by the Duke of Chandos, but its authenticity was indisputable.