Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/63

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AILESBURY. 41 (BbtorV Otli Karl of Kintaudtxe [S.] ; the BARONY OF KINLOSS [S.J, (cr. 1601) devolved, lie }ure, on (his grandson} the heir of line, hut was not Assumed by him, ( a ) while, its to the English Honours, the EARLDOM of AILESBURY, the VISCOUNTCY OF BRUCE, and the BARONY OF BRUCE OF SKELTON (all of which were cr. 1B641, as also the BARONY OK BRUCE OF YHORLTON (cr. 1641) became ex. ; hut the BARONY OF RRUCE OF TOTTENHAM (cr. 1746) devolved under the spec, ran. on his nephew, afterwards (1776) cr. Earl of Ailesbury, as under. His widow mi. 19 Dec. 1747, Field Marshal the Hon. Henry Sey^oup.-ConwaY, who d. at Park Place, in Remeuhain, Berks, (•>) 9 July 1795, aged 75. She d. 17 Jan. 1S03, in Upper Brook str., St. (ieo., Han. Sip ; will pr. Jan. 1803. IV. 1776. 1. Thomas Brdoe (Brudexell, ctftenearfls Brudenell- (SSPOB), BARON BRUCE OK TOTTENHAM, nephew, by the sister, being 4th and yst. s. of Oeorze (BnrjDKNKi.i.), 3rd Earl ok CardigaH, by Elizabeth, sister of the whole Mood to (the last Lord) Charles. 3rd Earl of Ailesbury .'&e, and ]st Lord Bruce of Tottenham. He was b. 13 April and 13 May 1739 at St. James, YYeatTri. On the death of his maternal uncle, in Feb. 1747 (whose vast estates in Wiltshire and Yorkshire, to the exclusion of his said uncle's daughters, he inherited) he sue to the Barony ok Brock of Tottenham, under the spec rem. above-mentioned. By roya! lieenee, '2 Dee. 1707, be took the name of Bruce, assuming it after that of BrUDBHKLL. He was Lord of the Bedchamber to Geo. lit. On 10 June 1776 he was or. EARL OF AILESBURY, eo. Buckingham. Lord Lieut, of Wilts, 1780. K.T. 29 Nov. 1786. He m. firstly, 17 Feb. 1761, at the chapel in Tottenham Park, Wilts, (registered at Great Bedwyn Susanna, tljllal Dow. VlscorSTESS Dingarvan, da. of Henry Hoaiie of Stourhead, Wilts), and of London, hanker, by his 2nd wife, Susan, d.. and h. of Stephen Colt. She if. 4 Feb. 17S3, and Was liar, at Maulden. Beds. He m. secondly, by spec, lie, in St. James' Place, Midx., 14 Feb. 1788, Anne, 3rd da. of John (Rawuon), 1st Earl of Moira [I.], by his 3rd wife, Elizabeth faao jure J, Baroness Hastings. She was ft. 16 May 1 7:".:!, and <f. s.p., 8 Jan. 1813 ; bur. at Maulden. He d. in Seymour Place, Midx., 19 April 1814, aged So, and was Am-, at Maulden. AYill pr. May IS! I. A*. 1814. 2. Charles ( Bru dexeli.-B ruce), Earl of Ailesbdry, Wnm „ 0 „ 0 „ Sc., 3rd and yst., but ..nlvsurv s. anil h. bv 'st wife, A. 12 Feb. 1773, imuquesses. . uia /„,,, o. s Anvil. ;.t. St. Geo.. Hau. S< s . K.T. 20 May 1S19. On 17 [. 1 821, July 1821 he was cr. VISCOUNT SAVERNAKE of Savernake Forest, co. Wilts., EARL BRUCE of Whorlton, co. York, and MARQUESS OF AILESBURY, co. Buckingham. He in., at Florence, 10 April 1793. Henrietta Maria, 1st da. of Noel (Hill), 1st Lord Bewick, by Anna, da. of Henry Yeiixon. She d. 2 Jan. 1831, and was bur. the 11th at Maulden. He m. secondly, 2" Ann;. 1S33, Maria, widow of Charles John Clarke, and yst da. of the Hon. Charles TollkmacHE, by his 2nd wife, Gertrude Florida, da. of Gen. William Gahiuseu. He d. 4 Jan. 1836. His widow, b. 27 Oct. 1809, was living 1SS4. Marquesses. U. Earls. VI. ■>. Georoe William Frederick (Bruiienell- Bruob), Marijufss of Ailesbury, &c, s. and h. by 1st wife, 4. 20 Nov. ISO I, and hap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq., King Geo. LoOO. HI an ,] Queen being sponsors. By writ dat. 10 July 183S, he was sum. to Pari, in his father's Baron v, as LORD RRUCE OF TOTTENHAM (1746). Lord Lieut, of Wilts. KG. 23 Mnv 1S64. On 27 March 1S6S he sue. to the EARLDOM "OF CARDIGAN (1661) and BARONY OF (") This was James (Brydgks), 2nd Dt'KK of Chandos, s. and h. of Mary, his 1st da. ami coheir (by his 1st wife), who had d. v.p. This James had sue. his father in the Dukedom of Chandos in 1744, and was, in 1771, sac. by his s. and h., James, the 3rd Duke, who d. s.p.m., 1789, leaving an only da. and h. Anna Eliza (dc jure BARONESS KINLOSS [S.]), mother of Richard Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of Buckihq- ham and Chandos (who d. 1S61) and grandmother of the 3rd Duke (living 1SS4), who, on 21 July 1 SOS, established his right, in virtue of this descent, to the BARONY OF KINLOSS [S.] afsd. ( h ) This " well-known seat " (for a short time the residence of Frederick, Prince of Wales) was sold by his widow, the said Lady Ailesbury, to Lord Malmesbttry.