Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/69

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AIKL1E— AIRTH. 47 16. David - Graham - Drummond (Ogilvy), Earl OK Aihue &c. [8.], 8. and h. by 1st wife, b. 4 Msjf 1826. Rep. PBEitfaj, 1850-81. K.T. 12 March 1862. fiBiJ- High Commissioner t" tin; Gen. Assembly of the Church of Scotland, lS72-;:i. He hi. 23 Sep. 1851, Henrietta- 1881. Earls [S.] VII, or V. Barons [S.J mi, or XL d. 25 Sep. 1881, Earls [S.] VIII, or VI. Barons [S.] XIV, or XII. Note. —The account of the earlier Lords Ogilvy [S.] is compiled from very unsatis- factory evidence. It is not improbable that the 3rd and 4th Lords (as given above) were one anil the same person. The asserted marriage of the former with Margaret, da. of David (Lindsay), Sth Earl of Crawford [S.], is difficult to reconcile with chronology, and rests, apparently, on no reliable evidence. There was, undoubtedly, a close connexion between the two families by the re-marriage, in 1549, of Katharine, styled Mistress ok Ogilvy, mother of the 5th (or, if the 3rd and 4th are but one, of the 4th) Lord Ogilvy, with David (Lindsay), Uth Earl of Crawford [S.]. who d. in 1559. Family Estates. — -These, in 1878, consisted of about (55,000 acres in Forfarshire and about 5,000 in Perthshire. Total about 70,000 acres, of the annual value of above £28,000. Some of the lands (those at Craighead and GYaignethie) have, however, since been sold.— See Jiateman's " Great Landowners." Chief Seat.— Cortachy Castle, Bight miles from Forfar. This was partially destroyed by tire 14 Sep. 1883. ALETH. Blanche, 2nd rln. of Edward-John (Stanley) 2nd Loan .Stanley ok Alderley by Henrietta-Maria, 1st da. of Henry- Augustus (Dillon) Kith Viscount Dillon [I.]. He at Denver, Colorado. His widow 6. 3 July 1830, living 1884. 1 17. David - Stanley - William - Drummond (Ooilvy), E.uu. ok Aiuue, Lord Oqilvy ok Airlie, and Loud Ooii.vy of Lintrathen [S.], s. and h. 4. 20 Jan. 1856 at Florence. Ed. at Eton School. Lieut. 1st Regt. 1874 : Scots Guards 1875 ; 10th Hussars 1876. Earls |B.] I. 1. William (Graham), Earl of Menteith (*) "1 [S.], having been, on 25 May 1630, served /(. of line to I David (Stewart) Earl ok StratherS [S.] (who was s. of Robert II Kino ok Scotland) was, on 31 July 1631, eon- firmed in that Dignity by Royal Charter " to him and his heirs male and I of entail, directing that be arid they should thereafter be styled Earls ok ] Strathkrn and Mentkitii " [S.]( b ) The King's Charter, however, as well as I the retour (finding the Earl to be the h. of Prince David) were subsequently I " reduced" by the Court of Session 1688. The Earl having thus (for no fault I of his own) been deprived of the Earldom of Stratbern, the King to make such deprivation less conspicuous, aud, perhaps, for the purpose of sinking the title of Menteith (as being connected with Royal descent) erected the lands and Barony of Airth into an Earldom and united it by patent, 21 January 1633, with the Eaiildo.m ok Menteith, declaring ils precedency to be that which was due to that Earldom, therein defined as 6 Sept. 142S( C ) and ordained the said Earl and his heirs to be called in all time coming EARLS OF AIRTH [8.] and to bruik and enjoy the honours, dignity, and precedence due to them by virtue of the said Charter granted to the said Walise, Earl of MenteiVVi before all others."'^). He A, 1670. J Is > 03 u i — 1 — ( a ) There are a few exceptional examples, in the seventeenth century, of the ortho- graphy of "Monteith," which is that adopted by Sir N. H. Nicolas. They are, however, very few. In the charter of 1631, in the proceedings for cancelling the retour, in tlio Acts of Pari, passim, &c., the spelling is Menteith. ( ) See " Hewlett," p. 71, &c, and Riddell's " Scoteli Peerage Law," 1S33, p. 33, See. ( c ) This date is, oddly enough, an error as to a year, it should be 6 Sep. 1 427. In right of this clause of precedency the Earl of Menteith (who in the " decreet of Ranking " had been ranked as a creation of 1466) was (subsequently) placed next below" Mar" and next above " Rothes " as appears in the records of Pari., 163U. This militates against the theory dom of M ' lte ° f U5 ' ' n ° fc *** the °" e !USsi S" ei1 at *** " 1{imkin S " to tue Karl " C) See " Earldoms of Stratbern, Monteith, and Airth, with a report on the Claim F 2