Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/74

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52 ALBANY. Titular Charles Edward Lewis Casimir Stdakt, (generally Earl. .spoken nf as ,; Prince Charles Edward." " the Young Chevalier," or j 2766 ? (evenl"tho Young Pretender,") s. and h. of James Francis Edward, sometime Di*ke of Cornwall [titular Prince of Wale*, 188R-1701, mi titular Kins; of England, &c, 1701-661 I>y Maria t 'h-montina, da. of James Lewis SoisiESK'I, PiilNCE OK Poland, was .' liomo :il Dee. 1720. On 2.i July 1745 he landed in Scotland and proclaimed his father as King, lint was finally defeated 16 April 1746 at Culloden. Ou 1 Jan. 1766 he sue. his father, after which time (though on formal occasions he assumed the titular sti/le of King at "Charles III"), he appears to have generally styled hitntdf [Osmte d'Albanie] EAliL OF ALBANY. He m. 17 April 1772. Louisa Maximiliana, 1st da. am co-heir of Gustavus Adolphus, Prince OF Stoi.beec-Gi'EDEUN, by Elizabeth Philippine, y& da. and co-heir of Maximilian Emanuel, Prince PR Hornes. He ff. s.p. legit., 81 Jan. 1 7SS. i") aged 67, and was bur. in St. Peter's at Koine, M l. His widoiv.( b ) who was 6. 21 Feb. 1752, received a pension of £2000 a-year from Geo. III. She was well known as the Patroness (some say the wife) of Vittorio, Count Ali ieri, the Poet, who d. 3 Oct. 1S03 and with whom she was bur. She d. at Florence, 2'J Jan. 1S24, in her 73rd year, and was bar. at Santa Croee, where, ou her monument, she is styled " Albani.e Comitiss.."( c ) Titular j. Charlotte, illegit. da. of Charles Edward L.C. Countess. Stuart (" Prince Charles Edward,*') above-named, by Clementina.C) 1 1787 1 " tomtesse d'Alberstrof " (so cr. by the French King), yst. of the ten daughters of John W.u.kinshaw of Camlachie and Barrowfleld, co. Lanark, by his 3rd wife Katharine, da. of Sir Hugh Patersos of Banuockburu, Hart [S.l, was b. probably about 1760, and wits legitimated by a deed recorded in the Pari, of Paris, 6 Sep. 17S7. Her father is said (0 have cr. her, shortly before his death, COUNTESS OF ALBAN Y.(») She d. unm. 17S9. Sue "YORK AXD ALBANY," Duke of; cr. 1717, ex. 1T28. „ „ ,, cr. 1760, <:>: 17G7. „ „ „ sr. 1784, ex. 1827. Duke [U.K.] jf, II.R.H. Leopold-George-Uuncan-Ai.13ert, Prince 1 1881. °* TnE L'njted Kinodom of Britain and Ireland, Duke 09 Saxony, and Prince of Saxe Coblrq and Gotha, 4th and youngest s. of Queen Victoria (see " Succession to the Crown "), b. 7 April 1S53. at Buckingham Palace, Midx., and bap. there 28 June following; Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 1872 ; P.C. 1874; D.C.L. (Oxford) 1876 ; KG. 24 May 1SC9 J K.T. 24 May 1871 : G.C.S.I. 25 Jan. 1S77 ; G.C.M.G. 24 May 1880 ; on 24 (») Two brothers (well known in London Society), claimed to be his legitimate grandsons viz. (1), John Sobieski Stuart, Count d'Albanie," who (with his br.) served in the advanced Guard of Napoleon's Army at 'Waterloo, and who d. unm. a few years before his yr. br. (2), Charles-Edward Stuart, " Count d'Albanie," b. at Versailles 1799, who m. Anna, da. of the Kt. Hon. John de la Poer Beresford and d. 25 Dec. 1S80, aged 81, leaving an only s. Col. Charles Edward Lewis Cusimir Stuart " fount d'Albanie," sometime in the Austrian arm}-, who m. 15 May 1874 Alice Mary Emily, da. of William George (Hay) 17th Earl of Erroll [S.J, and d. s.p. 8 May 1882, aged 57. The father of the two brothers above named appears to have been Capt. Thomas Allen, K.N. (s. of Admiral John Carter Allen, an adherent of the House of Hanover, who d. 1800) but, according to their own account, he was James Stuart, " Count d'Albanie," legit, s. of the titular Charles III, though passed off by Admiral Allen as his own son. This statement however is conclusively refuted in an excellent article in the " Quarterly Review " for June 1847. (>>) See her descent from Henry VII, through the family of Bruce, Earls of Ailesbury, p 39, Notes h and f. [•=) Sec " N. and Q.." 5th s., i, 346. v d ) Clementina alkinshaw was bur. Nov. 1802 in the Cathedral of Freiburg in Switzerland. (•) See " Douglas," voL i, p. 55 note.