Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/90

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68 ALCESTER— ALDBOROUGH. Sir Lawrence Palk, 2nd Bart,, was b. 12 April 1821, in Brutou Street, Midi.; ed. nt Eton ; entered the Royal Nary, 1S34; Bei-yed in the Burmese War, 1852-53 ; in the White Sea, 1854 ; in the Black Sea, 1855-56 ; at New Zealand, where he was Beverelj wounded, 1S60-61 ; commanded n detached squadron 1870-72 : Junior Lord ai the Admiralty, 1872-71: commanded the Channel Squadron, 1S74-77 ; Admiral ami Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Squadron, 1880; in command at the destruction of the forts of Alexandria in 1882 ; C.B.. lti July 1861 ; K.C.B.. 2 June 1377 ; G.C.B., 24 May 1881; had Hoy al lie on 16 Nov. 18J-2 to accept the First- class of the Order of Osmanieh ; and, finally, on 24 Nov. 1882 was, as a reward for his distinguished services, cr. BAR.OX ALCESTER of Aleester, eo. Warwick. He was introduced into the House on 12 April IS8.S by Lord Harlech and by (his companion iu the Egyptian campaign) Lord YVolseley. Shortly afterwards he received the sum uf £25,000 by vote of Pari, iu lieu of the usual annual grant. ALDBOROUGH (co. Suffolk.) i.r., BARONESS OF ALDBOROUGH." Seq " WALSINGIIAM " Countess of; cr. 1722, ex. 177S. ALDBOKOTJGH (Ireland.) Viscounts [I.] /. ,Tohx Stratford of Baltinglass, go. Wicklow and I 177G Belan, co. Kildare, 3rd s. of Edward Stratford, of the same (who is said to have refused a Peerage from Will. Ill) by his 1st wife Elizabeth, da. of Euseby Baisi.ey of Rickerstown, eo. Carlow, 6. about Earls [1.] loill, sometime Sheriff of the Counties of Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow, I 1777 * n *' K ' marc ' ^'•P- f° r Baltinglass, temp. Geo. I anil II ; was, on 21 May 1763, cr. Baron ok Baltinglass, co. Wicklow [1.], and on 22 July 1776 was a: VISCOUNT ALDBOROUGH of Belan, CO. Kildare [I.]. On 9 Feb. 1777, he was cr. " YiscorsT Amiens and EARL OF ALDBOROUGH of the Palatinate of Upper Ormond " [!.](") He m. Martha, da. and coheir of Ven. Benjamin O'Neal, Archdeacon of Leighlin, by Hannah da. and coheir of Col. Joshua Paul. She d. 1777. He tl, 29 May 1777, aged 86. Earls [I.J 2. Edward (Stratford), Earl of Aldborough, etc., Viscounts TI ] s - anc l b. MP. for Taunton, Somerset, ; and subsequently for Balting- . ' ' lass till 1771. Lord-Lieut, of co. Wicklow, F.R.S. He m. firstly, II. 1777. Barbara, da. ami h. of the Hon. Nicholas HEimjiRTof Great Glembam, Suffolk (s. of Thomas, 8th Eaul ok Pembroke), by Anne, da. and coheir of Dudley NORTH, of Great Glembam afsd. She d. s.p., 11 April 1786. Admon. June 1788. He m. secondly, 24 March 1788, Anne Elizabeth, only da. of Jolui (Hennikeu) 1st Lord Henniker [I.] by Anne, 1st da. and co-heir of Sir John Major, 1st Bart. He d. s.p., 2 Jan. 1801. Will &c. dat. 14 Sep. and 5 Oct. 1800 ; pr. Jan. 1803. His widow m. Dec. 1801, George Powell, and d. s.p. 14 July 1802. Admon. Jan. 1803. III. 1801. J. Jhhx (Stratford), Earl of Aldborough, &c. [I.], br. and h., sometime M.P. for co. Wicklow. He m. April 1777, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Rev. Frederick Hamilton (a grandson of William, Di;kb op (») This creation has been compared with the enrollment in Chancery [I.]. The choice of the name of Amiens for a Peerage title is accounted for by referring to ft fulsome account of the ancestry of the family of Stratford (which, in " Lodge com- mences only in 1660) given in Owen's, Davis's and Debrett's Peerage, 1 7D0, vol. iii, lob Here it is stated that the ancestor of the Stratford race one "Gualtera [sic] de Lupclla, vulgarly called Lovel or Touei," came "from AMIENS the capita] of Pieardy i" France, to England with William the Conqueror, &c." It may interest the reader to know (on the same unquestionable authority) that " the arms of the noble peer |Earl of Aldborough] are the same as those of Alexander the Great, &c, &c."