Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/85

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84 BURNELL. male o£ his body. In lGf>9 he was one of the Committee of Safety, earning thereby the favour of the King, ami probably hoping for a renewal of his patent of Peerage(-'< ; . He m. before 1639, Bridget, only da. and h. of Sir Anthony HuN'OERKORD, of Down Ampney, co. Gloue. (who d. 1637), by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Thomas LUOT. The fortune of this lady was above £60,000, and she was h. gen. and lineal descendant of Edmund Hungerford, and Margaret (Burtiell) his wife, graudaughter and coheir of Hugh, Loud Burnell, and was consequently h. to a moiety of that Barony, which accounts for her husband's creation by that title. He was bur. 4 Aug. 1678, at Little Witteuham afsd., aged 76. II. 1G78. 2. Hungerford Dunch, who never assumed the style of a Baron, s. and h. 6. 1639 ; M.P. for Wallingford at the Restoration ; for Cricklade 1660. He was put dowu among the " Knights of the Royal Oak " intended to have been cr. in 1660, his estate being estimated (thu' his Father was alive) at £2000 a year. He d. in London, 9 and was hur. 13 Nov. 1680 at Little Wittenham. His widow (whose name and parentage are not known) was bur. there 26 March 1684. III. 1680 8. Edmund Dunch, who, likewise, never assumed the to style of a Baron, s. and h, 6. 24 Dec. 1657 in Little Jermyn street, Westm. He joined heartily in tiie Revolution which 1719. deposed James II ; was Master of the Household to Queen Anne (6 Oct. 170S) and to George I (9 Oct. 1714) M.P. for Cricklade, 170S-15 ; for Boroughbridge, 171 5-21 and for W allingford, 1722-27. He was also a member of the well known "Kit Cat Club. " He hi. Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Col. Charles Godfrey, Master of the Jewel office, by Arabella, sister to John, Duke op Marlborough, da. of Sir Winston Churchill. He d. s.p.m. 31 May 1719 and was bur. at Little Wittenham afsd., when the heirs male of the body( b ) of the patentee became extinct.{') ( a ) In the case of the only other Hereditary Peerage conferred by the Protector, viz. that of Charles Howard, who bypaiet.t 20 July 1657 was cr. Baron Gilsland ami Viscount Howard ok Morpeth, the fortunate Patentee was cr. 30 April 1661, by Charles II, not only a Baron and Viscount (as above) but even an Earl, as Earl of Carlisle. The Viscountcy promised by the Protector to Bulstrode Whitlock appears to have gone no further than the signature, 21 Aug. 1658, to the Bill for the patent. ( b ) Of his four daughters and coheirs (1) Catharine d. young and unm. ; (2) Arabella m. Edward Thompson of Marsdeu, co. York, and was bur. IS Oct. 1734 at Little Wittenham as was Arabella, her only child, on 28 Feb. following (3) Elizabeth, the 1st da. inherited Little Wittenham and m. in 1729 Sir George Oxenden, Bart, and had issue ; (4) Harriot, the 2d da., HI. 3 April 1735, Robert (Montagu) Duke of Manchester, and d. 25 Feb. 1755, leaving issue. The descendants of these two last mentioned ladies represent the moiety of the Barony of Burnell vested in Bridget Hungerford, wife of Edmund Dunch, cr. Baron Burnell of East Wittenham as above. (°) Cromwell's " OTHER HOUSE " or " HOUSE OF LORDS," 16-57-58. The members of this House, each of whom wan styled " Lord " (e.g., " Lord Barks- tead," &c), were nom. by the " Protector," and were to consist of, at most, but 70 persons. The first writ of summons to this body was dated 10 Dec. 1657. A copy of this is in Dugdale's " Usage of Arms " and in Noble's " House of Cromwell." together with a list of the said Lords. See also "The Genealogist," vol. i (N. S. 1 884), pp. 55-58, where the copy is given of a writ of summons by Richard Cromwell, a year (all but a day) later, viz. 9 Dec. 1658, ti " Bulstrod, Lord Whitelock," with some interesting remarks thereon. Cromwell's " Lords," alphabetically arramjed (the numbers which probably refer to the rank held in that " House of Lords" being retained), Beem to be as under : — 54. Barkstead [Sir] John, " Lieut, of the Tower of London," who had been Knighted by the Protector 19 Jany. I6'55/6. Originally a goldsmith in the Strand. One of the King's Judges who signed the death warrant. Col. in the Pari, army anil one of the "Major Generals," for tile Counties. High Steward of Colchester. M.P.