Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/126

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124 LIVERPOOL — LIVINGSTON. Minister) 9 June 1812, to 30 Aprfl 1827.( ft ) KG., 9 June ISM, on the occasion of tbe visit of the allied Sovereigns to London ; a: LL.D. of Cambridge, 1826. He m, firstly, 25 March 1795, Theodosia Louisa, 3d da. of Frederick Augustus (Hakvky). -1th Eanl OS Biiistol, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Jennyn Havers, Bai t. She d. 12 June 1821, at Fife House, Whitehall, and was bur. at Hawkesbury. He Bt> secondly, 21 Sep. 1S22, Mary, fith da. of Charles CbBBTBR, formerly BacOT, by Catherine, da. of the Hon. llemagc Leggk. He d. s.p., 4 Dec 18^8, aged .18, at Fife house afsd., having, as far back as 17 Feb. 1827, had a stroke of paralysis. He was bur. at Hawkesbury. Will pr. Feb. 1829. His widow d. 18 Oct. 1846, aged 69, and was bur. at Kingston on Thames. Will pr. Nov. 1S46. 111. 1828, 3. Cdaiujes Cecil Cora (Jenkikson), Eaj(i. of Civbk* to pool [1798], and Baiion H awkhshuky [1 7 S6] , aim n Baratitt [1661], 1851. br. (of the half blood) and h., being s. of the first Fail by his second wife ; b. 29 May 1784, in St. Geo. Han. Bq. ; served in the Royal Navy at an early age; Page of Honour, 1794 ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 23 April 1801 ; Sec. of Legation at Vienna, ISO), serving in the Austrian army as a volunteer at Austerlitz ; M.P. for Sandwich, 1 807-1 2; for Bridgnorth, 1812-18, and for East Grinstcad, 1S18-2S; Under Sec. for War, 1S09-10; sue. to the peerage, 4 Dec. 1828; D.C.L. of Oxford, 15 June 1841; P.C., 1841: Lord Steward of the Household, 1811-46 ; G.C.B., 3 Jan. 1816. He m., 19 July 1810, Julia Evelyn Medley, da. and h. of Sir George Augustus William Siilukbvhoh-Evklyn, formerly Shihkhuiigh, 6th Bart, by his second wife, Julia Anuabella, da. and h. of James Evelyn, of Felbridge, co. Surrey. She, who was b. 6 Oct. 1790, d. 8 April 1814. He d. s.p.m., 3 Oct. 1851, at Busted Park, Sussex, aged 67, and was bur. at Bnxted, when all his peerage dignities became extinct, tho' the Baronetcy devolved on his cousin and h. male. Will pr. Nov. 1851. LIVINGSTON. Barony [S.J l. Sm James Livingston, of Cale«dar,( b ) co- Stilling, I 1453? s ' aD ^ k °* ®* r •*' exanc 'er L., of the same, Justiciary [S.], 1449, by ( — ), da. of ( — ) DunDas, of Dundas ; sue. his father about 1450; was one of the Commissioners to treat with England, 3 Jan. 1403 ; P.C., Master of the Household, and Great Chamberlain [S.], 1463, in which year probably, but certainly before 30 Aug. 1458, he was cr. LORD LIVINGSTONES.] He m. Marian. He d. about 1467. His widow was living 4 July 1478. II. 14G7? 2. Jajies (Livingston), T.obd Livingston |S.], s. and h. ; sat in Pari. [S.], 1 Oct. 1487, and 11 Jan. 1487 / 8.( c ) He m. firstly about July 1445 Christian, ( d ) da. and coheir of Sir John Eubkine, of Kinnoull. He nt. secondly ( — ), da. of Sir Robert Ceichton. lie m. thirdly Agnes Houston with whom he had (as "James, Lord Livingston" ), a charter of lands 30 Jan. 1499/500. He d. s.p. about 1505. (a) In this period of 15 years which "has only been exceeded by the Ministries of Walpole and Pitt," he "concluded successfully the French war, carried the country thro' the perils which followed upon the peace of 1815 and brought it to the eve of the great Reform period." "History has hardly done justice to Liverpool's solid tho' not shining talents." [iVa£ Biorp:] (b) The Barony of Calendar was granted by King David II. [S.] in 1346 to Sir William Livingston, having been forfeited by Patrick Calendar, of Calendar, whose da. and h , the said Sir William, married, and was by her great grandfather of Sir Alexander L., of Calendar, mentioned in the text. ( c ) Mr. Hewlett remarks that "on both occasions lie was not ranked amongst the Lords of Pari, [scd quen ? J but placed as Sir (Dominus) James Livingstone amongst the Territorial or Lesser Barons from which it might, be inferred that he had not then acquired the dignity of a Lord of Pari." (<*) See Spalding Misc., v, 382.