Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/166

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1G4 LOVEL. LOYEL, or LOVEL DE TICHMERSH. Barony by 7. Sir John Lovel, of Tichmersh, co. Northampton, Writ. Minster Lovel, Oxon, and Docking, co. Norfolk, s. and h. of John T ] 00,9 Lovra, of Minster T.ovel, by Mntld, said to be da. and h. of ( — ) Sydenham, of Tichmeish, sue. his father in 1280, being then aged 32; was sum. 26 .Inn. (129677), 25 Kd. I .f") to attend the King at Salisbury, and was sum. to Pari, as a Union (LOUD LOVEL or LOUD LOVEL DK TICHMEKSH , by writs directed " Johanni Lord," and afterwards " Jolianni Lovel dc Tichmerih," from 0 Feb. (1298/9)* 27 Kd. I., to 26 July (1311), 2 Ed. II. He had served in the wars in Gascony and in Scotland; was (as u Johannes Lord, Domimts de Dakking ") one of the signatories of the letter to the Pope in 1301, ( b ) and was sum. to the coronation of Edward II. He m. firstly, about 1280, Isabel, sister and heir of William, da. of Arnold de Rois, of Thorpe Arnold, Notts. She d. s.p.m.( L ') before 1*200. lie hi., secondly, Joan, said to be da. of Robert (DE linos), Loud Itoos, by Isabel, da. and h. of W illiam DE Ai.iiini. He d. (1310-11) I Ed. II. ; Esch. 4 Ed. II. II. 1311. 2. John (Lovbl), Loud Lovel he Tichmersh, ami h., aged 22 when he tue. to his father in 1311. He was sum. to Pail, by writs, directed " Johauni Lord de Tichmersh," from S Jan. (181 2/8 0 Ed. II., to 29 July 11314), S Ed. II. He m. Maud, sister and heir of Edward, Loud Pi-knell (so c>: 1311), da. of Sir Philip BURNKLL. of Acton liurnell, Salop, by Maud, da. of Richard iTitzalan), Earl ov Auundkl. He d. (1314-15) 8 Kd. II ; Esch. 8 Ed. II. His widow in. John DE Handlo, who </. 1340. Esch. 20 Kd. III. III. 1315. 3. John (Lovel), Lord Lovel de Tichmersh, posthu- mousf' 1 ) s. and h., by second wife. He, who was never sum. to Pari, served in the wars of Scotland anil France. He nt. Isabella, said to be sister of William (Zouciie), Loud Zoi c he de HarTNOWORTH. He d. Nov. (1347), 21 Ed. III., Esch., 21 Ed. III. His widow d. (1351), 25 Kd. III.C) IV. 1347. 4- John (Lovel), Lord Lovel de Tichmersh, 1st s. and h., aged 11 at the death of his mother in 1351. () He d. umn. and under age in Dec. 1361. V. 1361. 5. John (Lovel), Lord Lovel de Tichmersh, br. anil h-, being second s. of the 3d Lord, aged 10 win n he sue. to (John) his brother in 1301, and came of full age in (1302), 37 Kd. III. He was in the wars with France, 1308, where he was made Gov. of the Castle of Ranelyngham. He was sum. to Parl.( e ) by writs directed " Jehanni Lord de Ticlnncrsh " from 28 Dec. (1375), 49 Ed. III., to 26 Aug. (1407), S Hen. IV. In the reign of Hie. II. he at first took the popular side as against De Vere, the King's favourite, but afterwards changed sides and was one of those who were expelled from Court, K.G. [1405 ? J He hi. in 1373 Maud (then aged 17) silo jure BARON KSS HOLAND (see that dignity en. 1311) graudaughter and heir of Robert (de Holand), Loud Holand. He d. 1408, styling himself in his will, dat. 20 July and pr. 12 Sep. 1408, " Lord Lord and Holand." His widow was living (1420), 8 Hen V., but was dead (1 123), 1 Hen. VI. VI. 1408. G. John (Lovel), Lord Lovel de Tichmersh, only s. and h. Kniijhlcd before 140S ; had livery of his lands 1409. He was sum. to Pail, by writs directed " Johanni Lord dc Tichmersh " from 20 Oct. (1409), (a) See vol. i, p. Ill, note " b," sub "Ap. Adam," as to this not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. ( b ) See "Nicolas," 761-809, for a full description of this letter. ( c ) By her marriage settlement her only child, Maude (aged 30 at her father's death in 1311) inherited the Manor of Docking, co. Norfolk, which, thro' her, passed from the family of Lovel to that of Zouche of Hari ingworth. («) Coll Top ct Gen." vol. vii, pp. 387—388. (°) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting.