Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/220

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218 MAR Mary, his first wife. He d. s.p. and v.p., 23 Aug. 1850, in his 45th year .it Torquay. His widow, who was b. 16 Nov. 1814, rf. co. March 1851, at Braddon Tor, Torquay.] III. 1S60. 3. Sydney William Herbert (Pierrepont), Earl Manvers [IS06], Viscount Newark [1790], and Baron Pikurefont, 2d and yst., but only surv b. and h. ; 6 12 March 1S25, at Holme Pierrepont; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; uiatric. 9 June 1843 ; B.A., 1810 ; styled Viscount Newark, 1850-00 ; M.P. for South Notts, 1S52-00 ; site, to the pea-aye, 27 Oct. 1800 ; Lieut. Col. 180S-79, and Hon. Col. 1S79, South Notts Yeomanry. Ha m. 15 June 1852, Georgians Jane Elizabeth Fanny, 2d da. and coheir of Augustiu Louis Joseph Cassimir Gustave (de Fhanquetot), Due dk Cokiny in France, by Henrietta Dundas, only da. and h. of Sir Hew Dalrymple- Hamilton, 4th Bart. [S.] She was b. 4 Aug. 1826. [Charles- William-Sydney Pierrepont, styled (since 1860) Viscount Newark, 1st s. and h. ap. ; b. 2 Aug. 1854 in Tilney street, Mayfair; ed. at Eton ; sometime. 1872-S0, in the Greu. Guards ; M.P. for Notts (Newark div.) 18S5. He m. 26 Sep. 1SS0, at Ardgowan chapel, Helen, 1st surv. da. of Sir Michael Robert Shaw- Stewart, 7th Bart. [S.], by Octavia, da. of Richard (Grosvexor), 2d Marquess ok Westminster.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 26,771 acres iu Notts J 5,019 in Lin- colnshire ; 3,729 in Derbyshire ; 1,500 in vVilts and 1,020 in the west riding of Yorkshire. Total 38,036 acres, worth £51,649 a year. "The value does not include mines or tithe " and the " Wilts figures are only approximate. Principal Residence. Thoresby Park,(») near Ollerton, Notts. MAR, or MARR,( b ) [Mar with Bucuan (the territory comprising that now occupied by the counties of Aberdeen and Banff) formed one of the seven oriyinal Earldoms (Mnr- maersbips) of Scotland, ( c ) the holders of which, tho' in the 10th century styled Mormaers,^) were in the 12th century more generally known as Earls, Before, how- ever, the 12th century "Buchan " had become separated from " Mar."] Earldom [3.] 1. Roderick, Rdadri, or Rotiiri, Mormaer oe Mar, T 1116 was w 't ness > m H15, to the charter of Scone as "Rothri, Comes," {Earl Rothri) equivalent to Rothri, EARL OF MAR [S.] He appears, however, again as "Mormaer" in 1132 (viz. as " Ruadri, Mormaer of Mar") in a charter to the monastery of Deer, of that date. ( a ) Thoresby, formerly belonging to the Dukes of Kingston ; Worksop to the Dukes of Norfolk ; Clumber to the Dukes of Newcastle, and Welbeck to the Dukes of Port- land (all four being iu Sherwood forest, Notts), constitute what is called " the Dukcrics." ( b ) The following publications will be referred to, in this account of the Mar peerage, under the letters, " A," "B," " C," and "D" vis. (1) "A." The masterly work of the Earl of Crawford entitled " The Earldom of Mar in sunshine and shade," two vols., 8vo, 1882 ; (2) " B " Skene's " Celtic Scotland," three vols., 8vo, 1880 ; (3) " C." An article on " The early Earls of Mar," by G. Burnett, Lyon King of Arms, in " The Genealogist, N.S. ," vol. iv, pp. 177—193 ; (4) " D." Another article in the same work, vol. iii, pp. 1-24 (which, doubtless, tho' unsigned, is by the same hand) entitled " Tlie Earldom oi Mar," at the end of which last named article is printed the act, 6 Aug. 1885, for the restitution of that dignity. ( c ) See vol. i, p. 68, sub " Angus," for a fuller account of these seven Earldoms. ( d ) Donald, an early Mormaer of Mar, is said to have been one of the 10 Mormaers [S.] who crossed over to Ireland to assist Brien Boroihme against the Danes, by whom both were slain at the battle of Clontarf in 1014. The names of Donald's successors are unknown until the time of Roderick, early in the 12th century, who, accordingly, is in the text numbered as the first Earl of Mar.