Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/260

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258 MARl.BOROl'GH — M ARM ION. absolute, 20 Nov. 1SS3.( ; ') Hem, secondly, 29 June 1S88, in the City Hall, New Vork.f 1 '; Lily Warren, widow of Lewis Hammkhsi.f.y, of New York afsd., da. of Cicero Price. Commodore of the U.S.A. Navy. He d. somewhat suddenly, at Blenheim palace, 9 Nov. 1892, aged 48, anil was bur. at Woodstock- Will pr. above £350,000 gross. His widow living 1893.^) IX. 1892. 0. Charles Kicitarii .John (Spexceh-Ciii/Rcuill), Pike OF M a r lroro i 'Hi i [1702], MaRQokss ok Bla.ndkokd (1702), Eahl of SCXDERLAND [1643], EaUI. OF MaK1.BORoIG.1I (16S9), li.UiON SPENCER OK WoKMI.Klr.H- ton [1603] and Baron Churchill of Sandridok [1685], only s. and !>., by first wife. Ii. 13 Nov. 1871, at Simla, in India ; usually known as Earl of Sunderland till 1S83 ; stiilal Mahqi fss of Blandfokd, 1S83-92 : ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge: sue. to the peerage, 9 Nov. 1892. Pamih) Estates.— These, in 1SS:S", consisted of 21,944 acres in Oxon ; 1,684 in Wilts and 33 in Berks. Total 23,511 acre?, worth £38,557 a yea*. Principal Kesidenee : Blenheim palace, near Woodstock, Oxon. MARLEY. See "Wottox of Marley, co. Kent," Barony (Wvtton), cr. 1603: ex. 1630. MARMION. William Marmiox, yr. s. of Sober! Marmion, Sheriff of Worcester- shire, temp. Hen. II. and Uic. I., was sum. to [Munt/ovt's] Pari. 14 Dec. (12641. 49 Hen. III., hut such summons does not originate a hereditary Barony.( d ) He appears to have d. s.p. Barony. /. Johk Mahmion, of Witbingham, co, Lincoln and of I 1313 the Hermitage, in West Tanfield, co. York, s. and h. of William MahmioNjC*) of Witringham afsd. by Lora, da. of Hoese DK DoVOR, of Loddington, co. Northampton, was sum. (with about 60 other persons), S June (1294), 22 Ed. I.( f ) to attend the King whenever he might be, and was also so sum. on 26 Jan. (1296/7). 25 Ed. f,(*) He was in the Scotch war, 1310, and was finally sum. as a Baron (LORD MAHMION), by writs, 26 July (1313), 7 Ed. II. to 14 March (,1321/2), 15 Ed. II. He d. (1322-23), 16 Ed. II. (a) She was living 1893 retaining (oddly enoughj the style of .Marchioness of Kland- ford tho' her husband had sue. to the Dukedom of Marlborough more than four months before her divorce was made absolute. See also p. 2fp7, note " a." ( b ) The Mayor of that city officiated ; the religious ceremony that followed was at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Second Avenue, near St. Mark's place. ( c ) See p. 257, note " a." ( d ) See vol. iii, p. 365, note •' d," nib "Fifes-John" where, also a list of those, so sum. is given. ( c ) ThiB William was s. and h. of Robert Marmion {junior), of Witringham and Couingsby, co. Lincoln, who was a tjuunytr sou of Robert Marmion, of Tamworth, co. Warwick and of Scrivclsby, co. Lincoln, who (by his eldest s. and h. Robert Marmion, Senior), was grandfather of Philip Marmion, whose two daughters and coheirs (Mazera Cromwell, and Joane Ludlow) were the respective ancestors of the families of Ereville of Tamworth afsd., and of Dyinoke of Scrivelsby afsd,, which last (in right of that tenure) exercised the office of " Champion " at the Coronations. 0 See vol. i, p. 259, note c," tub Basset de Sapcote" as to the writ of 1294, not constituting a regular writ of summons. («) See vol. i, p. Ill, note "b," sub "Ap. Adam" as to the writ of 1297, not constituting a regular writ of summous.