Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/318

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Mil. FORI) — MILLTOWN. MILFi 'III). Barony [I.] /. SlH KlCtUltl) PHIUPPS, Hail., of Ptetoll Cilstlo., >;>. 1 1770 Pembroke, tail? s. :»> nl h. of Sir Joku Philipps, lilli Bart., of the ^ ' same, by Elizabeth. do, of Henry Siikpiikiid, of London, was b. 1714 ; sue. his father as Jtb Baronet (a dignity cr. 9 Nov. 1021), 23 Junu IC^J. 1764 . was up f( , r g,, Petohroke in several Paris.; Lord Lieut. nf Haverfordwest, 1770 — 1824, and was <•>•-, 22 .Inly 1 7 7«>. BARON MILFORDC) in Ireland [1.1; Lord Lieut, of ei>. Pembroke, 17S0— 1824. He ut., 2 June 1764, Mary, da. of ( — ) Pmui's, of Pontypark co. Pembroke. She rf. before him. Her adinon. April 1817. He (/. s.p., 2S Nov. 1823. in bis 85th year, at Picton Castle, afsd., wben the peerage became extinct, but the Baronetage devolved on bis distant cousin and heir male. Will dat. 21 Jan. 1820. pr. 3 Feb. 1824. MlLFORD of picton castle. Barony. /. Sir RlGHARD-BlTLKEl.EY-PHH.irPS PlIlT.IPPS, Bail., I 1-847 formerly Riehard Bulkeley Philipps Git a NT, 1st s. and h. of John (() ' Giiant, of Nolton, eo. Pembroke, by Mary Philippa Artemesia, who , vr( . was da. of James Child, of Bigelly House, in that county, and only 11 " • surv. issue and h. of his first wife, Maria Philippa Artemesia, only surv. issue of Bulkeley Philipps, of Abercover, co. Carmarthen (which Bulkeley was 2d s. of Sir John Philipps, 4 th Bart., of Picton Castle, co. Pembroke), was b. at Narbeth, 7 June 1801 and bap. there (baptism reg. at Nolton) and, having, inherited Picton Castle and other estates from his distant cousin, Richard (Philipps), Baron Milford [I.], took by Royal lie, 10 Feb. 1821, the name of Philippe in lieu of that of Grant ; was Lord Lieut, of Haverfordwest, 1824-57 ; M.P. for Haverfordwest, 1826-35, and 1S37-47 ; was cr. a Baronet, 13 Feb. 1S28, and was cr.. 21 Sep. 1S47, BARON MILFORD OP PICTON CASTLE, eo. Pembroke. He in. tirstlv, 11 Oct. 1824, at Hanwell, Midx., Eliza, da. of John Gokdon, of Hanwell. She rf. 24 March 1852, at Picton Castle, aged 49. He m. secondly, 8 June 1854, at St. James' Westm., Anne Jane, 4th da. and coheir of William (HOWARD), Eahl ok Wicki.ow [I.], by Cecil Frances, da. of John James (Hamilton), lHt Marquess of AbercOBH. He rf. s.p., 3 Jan. 1857, aged 56, at Picton Castle afsd., when all his knnourt became extinct. Admon. (13 months later) 25 Feb. 1858, under .150,000. His widow, who was b. 10 Pec. 1824, hi., 4 June 1861, at I.ngatestone Hall, Essex, Thomas Joseph Evrk, of Upper Court, eo. Kilkenny (5. 11 June 1821), and was living 1893. MILFORD-H A V E N . i.e., " " Earldom, cr. 170G, with the Dukedom Op CaIIBRIDGB, which see ; merged therewith in the Crown, 1727. MILLTOWN. Earldom. l. Jo.sErii Leeson, of Russliorough, co. Wicklow, only I 1763 s- nnc ' • 01 "I° 3e I 1 Leeson, of Dublin, Brewer, by Margaret, da. and coheir of Andrew Bhice, Alderman, and sometime Sheriff of Dublin, was 6. 11 March 1722; me. his father in 1711 ; was M.P. for llath- cormick; 1743-56, and was cr. 5 May 1756, BARON OF RUSSBOHOUGH, co. Wicklow [I.], taking his seat two days later. He was cr. 8 Sep. 1760, VISCOUNT RUSSBOROUGH OF RUSSELLSTOWN, co. Wicklow [I.], taking his seat, 22 Oct. 1761, and finally was cr. 10 May 1763, EARL OF MILLTOWN, co. Dublin [I], taking his seat, 11 Oct. following. He was P.C. [I.], 1763. He m. firstly, Jan. 1729, Cecilia, 1st da. of Francis Leigh, of Rathlagan, co. Kildare. She rf. 29 Nov. 1737. He TO. secondly, 20 Oct. 1738, Anne, da. of Nathaniel PRBSTOH, of Swainstown, co. Meath, by Anne, da. of Baron Dawson. She rf. 17 Jan. 1766. Hem. thirdly, lo (a) " Milford in Ireland " is not existant, the place alluded to being in Pembroke- shire. See p. 195, note " d," sub " Macdouald."