Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/336

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334 Mi iNMOrTTT — MONSON. [Fraxcis (Scott), Duke of Buccr.Eucn, fe. [S^"J, grandson ami li., being s. and h. of James Scott, styled Earl of Dai.kkitii, next abovenamed ; b. 11 Jan. 1694/5 ; I lift bis grandmother, 0 Feb. 1732, as Di'kf. of BfCCLEUCH, &c [SJ, and was restored, by Act of ftirL, 23 March 1748 to tAe finyfuft Peerage* of Baron Scott of Tindal and Earl of Doncastf.r (but nr>i( u ) howuver to the Dukedom of Monm-mth) forfeited 1)}- the attainder of his grandfather, James, Duke <>f Monmouth, a'wvenauied. See " Bucckuch," Dukedom [S.], <t. 1003, tub the second Duke. <>., "Monmouth" Earldom (Mordannf), cr. 1689; see " Pbteii- borougu" Earldom, cr. 1028, sm6 the 3d Earl, with which Earldom thin dignity became united in 1097 till both became extinct in 1814 Charles (Middletox), 2d K.viu. qf Mirdutox [S.J who was attainted in 1889 was er. by the titular King James III. soon after tlto death (10 Sep. 1701), of the exiled King Jauv< 11, K.AIU, OV MONMOUTH.,'") Mi.- issue male became extinct oo the death of his son, John, in or shortly before Feb. 1746/7. MONSON OF CASTLHMAINE. Viscountcy [I.J 1. Sin William Moxsox, 2d s. of Sir Thomas I 1G2S Monson, 1st Bart., of Carleton, co. Lincoln, by Margaret, da. of I 1 Sir Edmund ANDERSON, Lord Ch. Justice of the Common Pleas ; , „ f i. was U. 1007 ; was twice tried but both times acquitted of being eon- luol. eeruedin the poisoning of .Sir Thoman Ovcrhury ; was knighted at Theoballs, 12 Feb. 1622/3, and was er., 23 A tig. 10-js, BARON BELLINGNAKD. co. Limerick, and VISCOUNT MONSON OF OASTLEMAINR, co. Kerry [I.] Tho' concerned as late as 11110 mi belialf i>f the King at Oxford, he about that time in the House of Commons took the side of the rebels ; was a " committee man " for the county of Surrey and finally (8 to 23 Jan. 1(543/9), one of the Regicide Judges tho' not one who actually signed the death warrant of the King. After the restoration he was degraded from all his honours, 12 July 1001, and sentenced to l>e drawn in a sledge, with a rope round his neck, to Tyburn) which was done, 30 Jan. 1002/3, on the anniversary of the King's murder) and to remain a prisoner in London for life. He in. firstly Margaret, widow of Charles (HOWARD), 1st EahL OF NOTTINGHAM (who d. 1 I Pec. 1021), da. of James (Stewart), Earl of Moray [8.1 by Margaret, da. and h. of James (Stewart), also Earl of Moray [S.]. sometime Regent of Scotland. She d. 1 Aug. 103'.), at Covent Garden, and was bur. the 19th (with her first husband) at Chelsea. Fun. certif. in Pub. Record office. He at. secondly prances, da. of Thomas Alston, of Polstead, GO. Suffolk, by Frances, da. of Simon Iii.oMFim.D. She d. before 25 Pub. 1050/1 (being then late of St. Martin's in the fields) when adiuon. was granted to her husband, Viscount Mouson. He m. thirdly Elizabeth, widow of Edward Horner, of Melts, eo. Somerset, relict formerly of Sir Francis Koijamre, Hart, (who d. 17 Dec. 10 10), da. of Sir George Rf.resuv, of Thribergh, Co. York, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John Tamwortu. He d. s.p.m.s. in 1078. His widow m. (for her 4th husband) Sir Adam Felton, 3d Bart., who d. Feb. 1090/7, and d., before him, 20 Dec. 1095, at Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. Admon. 24 July 109G. MONSON OF BURTON. Barony. jr. Sin Jonx Monson, Bart., K.B., s. and h. r.f Goorge I 1728. Monson, of Broxbourne, Herts (who d. 1G Oct. 172G, aged 07), by Anne, da. and h. of Charles Wren, of the isle of Ely, was b, about 1693 ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch. ; , 20 Jan. 1707/8, aged 15 ; was M.I'. (•') See vol. ii, p 48, note "b," sub "Buccleuoh" as to the probable reason for such omission which reason however ceased in 1811, on the extinction of the Earldom of Monmouth. l b ) See vol. i, p. 09, uote " b," sub " Albemarle," for a list of " Jacobite Peerages."