Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/357

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MONTROSE, 355 Privy Seal [S.], 1709-13 ; one of the Lords Rkoent of the IOnodom, 1 Aug. to IS Sep. 1714,(a) on tlie death of Queen Anne ; Piinc. Secretary of State [S.], 1714-16 ! Lord Clerk Register [S.], 1 7 1 <> : Keeper of the Great Seal [S.], 1716-83; PC, 1717. He in. Christian, 2d da, of David (Caunw.ik), 3d Eakl ok [S.J, by Blizaljeth, da. of joUu (Li.nusav), K vhl ok CrawfoiID and Lindsat [S.] He d. in London, 7 Jan. 17 12, Bged about 62. Kuti. entry at Lyon office. ( l v His widow d. at Rdinburgh, 26 May 174-1. [James Graham, %M Haul of Kixcahdixe, 1st s. ami h. up;, young and v. p.] [David Graham, «tyfaf Marquess of <; RA1TAM, '2'1 l>1lt 1st SMl'V. S. ,'111(1 h. up., 6. about 1705; was v. p. raised to the peerage of Great Britain.' 1 ') being n. 23 May 172l'. BARON GRAHAM OP BELFORD, co. Northumberland, and EARL GRAHAM,!"') with a spec, rem. of that dignity, failing heirs of his body to his brothers, William Graham and George Graham, in like manner. He took his seat, 111 Jan. 1727. He. v. p. and num., 30 Sep. 1731, at Cleay, co. Norfolk ] Dukedom [S ] 111. Marquessnte [S] V. Earldom [S.] [X. ., -7, and 9. Wiluam (Graham), Dukf. ok Montrose, &e. [S.], also Earl Ghaham. kc. [O.B.J Rd but 1st surv. s. md h., b. about 1710 ; Ensign, 9d Foot Guards, 1730 ; sue. his br., "1742. 30 Sep. 1731, Hi the peerage [G.B.] (as EaB£ GRAB AM, to.), and sue his grandfather in the peerage [S. |. 4 .fan. 1742; was Chancellor of the Unto, of Glasgow, 1 7-13-81. (•>) He m., 23 Oct. 1742 in London, Lmcy, yst da. of John (Manners), 2d Dike ok RUTLAND, by his second wife, Lucy, da. of Rennet (SilKRARD), 2d Baron Shkrarr ok Leitrim [1.] She d. iu London, 18 .Line 178!*, aged 71. He d. at Twickenham, Midx., 23 Sep. 1790, aged about SO. Both were bur, at Aberruthveil, co. Perth. Will pr. Dec. I79& Dukedoir [SJ IV. Marquessate [S.] VI. Earldom [S.] X. J, 6, and JO. Jambs (Graham), Duke of Montrose, to. [S.], also EaRI Graham, &o. [G.B.], only surv. s. and h.,('j It. S Feb- 1755 ; uti/led Mar- QUKSs ok Graham till 17110 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., 1 700. Cambridge ; M.A., 1775 ; M.I', for Richmond, 1780-84, ami for Cheat Bedwyn, 17S4-90 ; Chancellor of the Univ. of Glasgow, 17S1— 183li ; a Lord of the Treasury. 17S3-S9; Joint Paymaster, 1789-91 ; Vice President of the Board of Trade, and P.C., 17S9 ; Lord Lieut, of Huntingdonshire. 1790-93 ; sue. to the ( v ; See vol. iii, p. 116, note " b, su& " Devonshire," for a list of these Regents. ( b ) Macky iu his "Character*" says of hint when "about 25" [iu 1705] "he inherits all the great qualities of those two families [i.e., Graham and Leslie], with a sweetness of behaviour which charms all those who know him ; hath unproved him- self in most foreign courts ; is very beautiful in his person ; " to which Dean Swift adds, now very homely and mnket a sorry appearance," and Loekhart states that he wits " led by the nose and " governed by his mother and her relations." C) See vol. iii, p. 161, note " d," sub " Dover," also vol. iv, p. 147, note " b," and p. 148, note "a," sub " Hamilton," as to the strange resolution of the House of Lords, 11 Jan. 1720, which continued in force till 11 June 17S2. It was, doubtless, in consequence of this resolution that the peerage of Great Britain was not conferred on the Duke himself but on his son. ( J ) See vol. ii, p. 102, note " a," for instauces of Earldoms where the family name serves for the title of peerage. (°) He, under the Jurisdiction Act of 1747, obtained £3,000 for the Sheriffship of Dumbartonshire and £2,57S for the regalities of Montrose, Menteith, Lennox, and Darnley. being in all £6,678 in lieu of his claim of £15,000. ( r ) An elder br. was b- and </. 20 Jan. 1745. Z 2