Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/395

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MOCNTEAGLE— MOUNT EDGCUMBE. 393 MOUNTEAGLE, sec MONTEAGLE. MoUNT-EARL, i.e., " Muus t t-Eari.," Viseountxy [[.], (Q.thi), rr. 1S1G : also " Dun- n.WEN and Mount-Emu. " Earldom [I.], er, 1822 : und.;r which last crentiuu see. MOUNT EDO CUM BE, MOUNT EDGCUMBE AND VALLETORT, ami EDGCUMBE OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE. Barony. 1. Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, co. Devon, I 1742 al "' °^ Cotele, co. Cornwall, 3d :m<l yst., but eventually only surv. s. and b. of Sir Kicbard Educumbe K.B. , of tbe same, by Anue, da. of Edward (Montagu), 1st Eahl of Sandwich, was b. at Mouut Edgcumbe, and bap. 23 April 16S0 ; sue. his elder br. Piers Edgcumbe, iu the family estates iu 1694; was ed. at Trim Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1693; was M.P. for St. Germans, 1701-02, and for I'lympton, 1702-42 ; was a Lord of the Treasury, 1716-17, and 1720-21 ; Paymaster General [1.], 1724-42 ; P.C. [I.], 1734, and, having had the management of the Cornish Boroughs for the Piime Minister Walpole, was (on Wal- pole's fall), cr. 20 April 1742, BARON EDGCUMBE OK MOUNT EDGCUMBE, co. Devon; Lord Lieut, of Cornwall, 1742; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1743-58 ; P C, 1744 ; was one of the 12 noblemen commissioned to raise a regiment in 1715 (during the insurrection] of which he was consequently Colonel ; Major Gen., 1753 ; Chief Justice in Eyre, North of Trent, 1758. He m. 12 March 1715, Matilda, da. of Sir Henry Fuunesk, 1st Mart., of Waldershare, co. Kent, Alderman of London, by his second wife, Matilda, da. of Sir Robert Veiinon. Shed. 9 March 1721, and was bur. at Waldershare, He d. 22- Nov. 175S, aged 78. Will dat. 11 Sep. 1756, pr. 28 Dec. 1758. II. 175S. ~ J . Richard (Edgcumbe), Baron Edgcumbe of Mount Edgcumbe, 1st s. and h. ; b. 2 and bap. 12 Aug. 1716, at St. Martins in the fields ; entered the army, becoming finally, 1755, Major General; was -M.P. for Plympton, 1742-47 ; for Lostwithiel, 1747-54 ; and for Peurhyn, 1754-5S; a Lord of Trade, 1751-55 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1755-56; Comptroller of the Household, 1756-61; P.C, 1756 ; sue. to the pceraye. 22 Nov. 175S; Lord Lieut, of Cornwall, 1759. He </. num. 10 May 1761, and was bin: at Maker, co. Devon. IIL 17G1. 3 and 1. George (Edgcumbe), Baron Edgcumbe of v - . MOUNT Edqcumbk br. and h. ; b. 3 March 1720, and bap. 5 May viscounty. 17 . J1 at gt j|, u . tin9 . lfstl . . eHte red the Navy (serving under Hawke I. 1781. and Boseawen) in which he finally, 17S2, became Admiral of the White ; Clerk of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1747-62 ; Earldom. to t /, e peeri , IJC q May 1761. Lord Lieut, of Cornwall, 1761 ; I ITS') Treasurer of the Household, 1765-66 ; P.C, 1765; Commander iu Chief at Plymouth, 1765-71 : Joint Vice Treasurer [I.], 1770-72 aud 17S4-93 ; Cant of the Gent. Pensioners, 1772-82; D.C.L., Oxford, 2 July 1773. He was cr. 5 March HSU 1 ') VISCOUNT MOUNT EDG- CUMISE AND VALLETORT, co. Devon, being er. 31 Aug. 17S9, EARL OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE, CO. Devon. Vice Admiral of Cornwall, 17S2 ; F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. He »>. 16 Aug. 1761, at her Father's house at Twickenham, Midx., Emma, only child of John GlLBEitr, Archbishop of York (who d. but 3 days afterwards), by Margaret, sister of Philip, 2d Emu. ok Habbobouuh, da. of the lion. Philip Sheuahd. He <l. 4 Feb, 1795 in his 74th year. Will pr. March 1795. His widow, who was b. 28 July 1729, d. 26 Dec. 1S07 in Upper Grosvenor street. (") There is a good account of his career in the " Sat. £iu</r. where it is said that " Diek Edgcumbe, for so he was invariably called, was one of the choicest spirits of his time. He was the close friend of Horace Walpole, George Selwyu, kc, but he threw away his life at the gambling table." Keyuolds painted in 1760 the portrait of his mistress, afterwards Lady Feiiouilhet. ( b ) This is said to have been iu compensation of damage done to his woods at Mouut Edgcumbe, by the repairing of the i'ortilioatioua at Plymouth.