Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/431

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CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. 429 s. and h. ap. of the Prince of Wales] the matter should he stated for the opinion nf the Judges (7) Merioneth, a word of that sound that no person ever took it (8) Northumberland ; au Earldom fur several descents in [the family of] Percy." !t is to be observed that Anstis reckons Gloucester twice over ("is above quoted) once among the cilia and once among the counties. One does not gather whether the peerages of York, Lincoln, Stafford, Worcester, &c, are considered by him as representing the cities or the counties of those names. p. 10, note " b," line 3 ; after "attribute," insert. " (as in the text of this article.)" ,, note "g." Commence this note as under. Since this article was written there has appeared (.Inly 1893) in the Genealogist, N.S. (vol. x, pp. 1-lfi), a masterly account f " The ancient Earls of Leicester, by G. V. Watson," containing "charters, many of which have been briefly referred to in the Mutes " to this article, which notes were, indeed, kindly supplied by him. Sir. Watson's excellent Slimming up nf the vexed question as tu whether "Hubert. Count el Menlan in the Vexin Hrancni-s Sire de Beaumont, Pont-Andemer, Urioune and other lands in Normandy," mould, ©r should not, be held to be the first Earl of Leicester is, as follows. "There seems to be no doubt that he possessed the comitatns [uf Leicester] which must be held to have comprehended the dignity of Karl. Yet it is equally certain that he never styled himself Earl of Leicester. It is nut however to be expected that the Count of Meulan, already a Comes, would either have dropped his illustrious name to assume the title of Earl o/ Leicester, or else would have used both titles together ; either course would have been without a parallel and indeed without a purpose, for at the commencement of the I2tH century the territorial designation was held of little account. Hence it is not surprising that we find him styled Count of Sicilian only, both in charters and in chronicles." Mr. Watson discredits the inspcximnn by King Edward (alluded to below) in which his grant of the manor of Tboftes runs as being by " Robertas, Comes dc Mellcnto ct Lcictstric," tho' it was confirmed by Henry II. as having been " cx done Robert!, Comitis Mclknti," without any mention of Leicester. p. 11, lines 7 and S ; dele "(with [lis father)." „ note " f," line 3 ; after " Preaux," insert " leaving six sons, of whom Robert succeeded him." „ note " f," line 3 to fj ; dele "Of the two daughters,'* tec, down to " Gloucester." [By an unfortunate piece of carelessness these two ladies were misplaced here, thus making thera sisters instead of daughter* of Earl Robert " Le Rossu." See (true) names and descriptions of the sisters of this Earl Robert in Mr. Watson's Hurls of Leicester," as quoted in the corrigenda to p. '10, note "g."] p. 42, line 17; to "a, and li." add this as a note. "He appears to have been an only son and have had four sisters of whom (1) Isabel m. firstly Simon (Saint Liz). Earl of Northampton and Huntingdon, who rf. Aug. 1153, She »i. secondly Gcrvasc Paynell, of Dudley (2) Hawise. m. William (Eitz Robert), Earl of Gloucester, who (/. 23 Nov. II S3 (3) [— ], m. Robert de Toeni, who d. 1102 (1) [— 1 a min." p. '1-1, to note " a," add "The Earl bad another sister (besides Auiicia de Montfort aboTe- named). ri:. Margaret, w ho HI. Saher de Qtlincy, afterwards Earl of Winchester." p. 50, lineTfi ; after "coheir," add this as a note "Mary, the other coheir, in. the Hon. Thomas Sydney." „ line 16 ; for " Beeves, of Thwates co. Suffolk," read " Ueevks, 2d Bait,, of Thwaite, co. Sullblk, by Margaret, sister of Sir Richard Oxsi.ow, Bart." „ line 17; after "1705," add "His widow m. May 1709 John SiiEriwnD, ( ,f Campsey Ash, co. Suffolk." p. G8, line 2; for "VII. 1672," read "VII. 1675"; line G ; for Hi73," read " cr. 1075.'* p. 70, line 38 ; for "s.p.," read ".s.p.iu." p. 71, last line ; after "London, insert Admon. Nov. 1S57." p. 75, line 31 ; after " 1718." insert "and bap. 22 at St. Martin's in the fields." p. 78, line 19 ; after " He )».," insert " 15 Dec. 1766, at St. Giles in the fields." p. 93, line 17 ; for " b. 1516," r*id " b. 11 March 1516, at Bath place." „ line 19 1 for "before 14 Aug. 15-15," read "S March 153-J," and add this us a note thereto " Lisle Papers vii, 18, iu a letter of John Rookwood 'from the Courte, tlie 8th day of Marchc,' the internal evidence whereof shews the year to be 153L See hist, appendix to Miss E. S. Holt's Harvest of Yesterday."