Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/166

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164 SLIGO. SLIGO. See " Sckdamore ok Bum, co. 8%> m Yiscountcy [I.] (Scmhtmore), er. 162S; ex. 171(5. Marquessate [I] /. John I'knis (Browxe), Rari. OP A LTAMOXT I 1^00 [1 m], Visoopnt Wbstpobt [17881, .'mil Baron Moj.tkaoi.8 op ' WKSTPOBT [ 1 TliOJ. ill the Kingdom of Ireland, s. and )i. of Tetfr (BBOWKS), 2tl Earl OF Altamont, fc< [ I J, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Denis Kku.t, Of Lisdutl'e. co. Gal way, was h. ] 1 June 1 7",0 ; ed. at Eton ; ttgled ViscofNT Wf.stport, 1770— 1780: High Sheriff of Mayo, 1779 5 J4-1*, [l]f«t that county till he sue. to tin peerage [1.] as above, 28 Dec. 1780, taking his seat, 28 Nov. 1781 : PC [I.], 1787; el. K.P., 5, ami iust., 11 Aug. 1N00 ■ was a ttrenuaui supporter of the Union [I.] ami was, at its consummation, er. 29 Deo. 1800,( a ) MAK- QUESS OF SLIGO [1.], being, 1 Jan. 1801, Jli-r. Peek [I.] erne of the 28 first elected. He was er. a Peer of the United Kingdom, 20 Feb. 1806, as BAKON MOM'- EAGLE OF WKSTl'OMT, co. Mayo. He m. 21 May 1787, at her fatUer'a house, Porter's Lodge CO, Hertford, Louisa Catharine, yst. da. and coheir of Uichnrd (Howe', 1st Earl Howe, by Mary, da. and coheir of Cbivertnu Hartopp. He d. in Grnftun street, Piccadilly, 2 Jan. 1809, aged 53, and was bur. in the family vault in Ireland.!) Will pr. 1S00. 'His widow, who was b. !> Dee. 1767, »>. 10 April* 1811, as his second wife, the Ht. Hon. Sir William SCOTT, cr. 0817) after her death Baron StoWIU, who d. 28 Jan. lS3(i, aged 90. She d. 20 Aug. 1817, at Amsterdam. Will dnt :i Feb. 1816, pr. 28 Oct. 1817. II. 1809. 2. Howe Peter (Browne), Marotess ok, h [I.], also Baron Monteaole ok Wkstrort [U.K. J, only s. and h ., i. 18 May 17SS; styled Viscount WeSTEORT till 1800, ami Karl lit Altamont from 1800 till he sue. to (lie parage, as above, 2 Jan. 1809 ; L. Lieut, of co. Mayo ; K.P.. being inv. 21 March 1 S 1 0, at Malta, and inst.,27 May LSI9 ;(') Gov. O'en. of Jamaica. 1834-35 ; P.C., 1836. He m. I March 1810', at Dublin. Hester Catherine, 1st da. of John Thomas (de BrnoH), 13th EaHI ok (,'lanrii ahde [1.], by Eliza, da. of Sir Thomas Bi'RKE, Bart. [1.] He d. 20 Jan. 1845, aged 50, at Tunbridgc Wells and was bur. at Keusal Green. Will pr. 29 March 1815, under Q 8,000. His widow, !>■ Jan. 1800, was (and her issue 0]ale is} in rem. to an Earldom of Clanriearde [I.] tr. in lislO with that spec. run. She d. 17 Feb. 1878, aged 78, at 10 Manslield street, MarylebOM, III. 1845. 3. George John (Browne), Marquess of Suoo [1800], Earl ok Altamont [1771], Visa'oi'nt YVkstporT [1708], and Uaiios MoNTEAGLE OF Westkort [170S], in the peerage of Ireland, also Baron MonTkagi.R of Westport [1800], in that of the United Kingdom, 1st s. and h., 4. 31 Jan. 1820, at Westport House, co. Mayo ; sttjltd Earl ok -Altamont till he sue. to the peerage, as above, 20 Jan. 1845 ; Hon. Col. of the Sligo militia. He Ht. tirstly 3 May ]SJ7. .it All Souls, Maryleboue, Louisa Ellen Frances Augusta Sydney, 2d da. of Percy Clinton Sydney (Smythe), Viscount Stranokoud [I.j, by Ellen, da. of Sir Thomas Bcukk, (") See vol. i, p. 208, note " c, sub " Avonmore," for the creations [1.] on tin's day, Lecky [I/ht. I8lh century, vol. viii, p. 598], writes that, " In the long list of creations and promotions there are nine which were not connected with the Union, and among the new l'eers there were doubtless a few who claimed and received rewards for acting iu accordance with their genuine convictions. Lord Altamont had from the first declared himself in its favour, and the tone of his whole correspon- dence with the Government indicates a man of real public spirit, yet he bargained for and obtained a Marquessate." ( b ) He was one of the largest proprietors and most active magistrates in the Province of Ulster. De Qnincy, in 1800, speaks of him as " a very fat man anil so lame that he is obliged to have two servants to support him whenever he stirs." ( c ) He was convicted, 16 Dec. 1812, at the Old Bailey of having seduced a seaman from H.M.'s ship in the Mediterranean to navigate his yacht to England and was sentenced to pay a fine of £5,000 and to be imprisoned in Newgate for four months.