Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/173

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SOMERSET. 171 Earldom. 4 ami /. EliMUXO (BbaUFORT), MaBQDESS OF DORSET IV 1444 f 1443 l Ea,u ' ok SoarasM [18971 and Eaiil ok Dorset [1441], also Count ok Morteiux, in Normandy, br. and h. male, b. about 1408 ; Dukedom, was knighted before 14 March 14ii7 ; waa recognised as COUNT OF „ MORTEIGN before 12 Jan. 1 430/1, when he was made Capt. of the LL 114b. t, lW11 ,,f Gisors: K.G. In-fore May 14:3*5. He. being in command in France, recaptured Harllour, relieved Calais, and made a successful expedition into Aujou. lie was on IS or 2S( :l ) Aug. 1441, cr. EARL OK DORSET ; ' with a grant of the same place; 1 ', in Pari, as Thomas, late fluke of Exeter and Hurl of Dorset, hail used and enjoyed" [Rot. Cart., 20 Hen. VI.. No. 3], being n: %4 June 1443,(«) MARQUESS;' 1 ) OF DORSET. By foe death of his elder br., 27 Mav 1444, he became, as heir male to his father, EAItL OF SOMERSET, and was 'finally bp. 31 March 1448, DUKE OF SOMERSET. From 1448 to 1450 he was Lieut, <i"i. of Fiance, Normandy, and Gnienne, during which period the French made themselves masters of nearly all the English possessions there. The King, however, still favoured him, and on 11 Sep. 1450, he was made Constable of England, and 6 Sep. 1 152, Lord of the Isle of Wight ;('•') Capt, of the town of Calais, 1 151-64. He m. about 1435 Eleanor, widow of Lord Eos (who d. IS Aug. 1131). 2d da. of Richard (Bbauobaicf), Earl ok Warwick, by his first wife, Elisabeth, de jure, sao jure Baroness Lisle. He waa slain, hi the Lancastrian side, at the first battle of St. Albans, 22 or 23 May U65,l r J aged about 4!S, and was bur. ill the Abbey there. Admou. 4 July 1455,

m*l 4 Starch 1156. at Lambeth. His widow, who was b. at Wedgenock, co. War-

wick. 1407. m. thirdly Walter Rddeslky, who was bur. at Croyland, Co. Lincoln. She d. 6 March 14b'f/S. Etch., 7 EI. IV Dukedom. ' g and .7. Henry (Beaufort), Duke of III 1 135, Somerset [1418], Mahqi-kss ok Dorsbt [1443], Eahl ok I (,, Somerset [1397], and F.ahl of Dorset [1441], also Count Earldom. j J^^'j OF Mohtkiun in Normandy, 1st s. anil h., 4, about April „ I ' 143ii; styhd E ill. ok Dorset from 144S till he sue. to } tin- pecraye. as above, in May 1 155. He took part with his father and was Wounded at the battle of St. Albaus( f ). He was in high favour with Henry VI , being Lord of the Isle of Wight (as Lieut, anil Warden), 1 157 ;("') Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Capt. of the town of Calais. He, after the Lancastrian defeat at Ton-ton, was attainted in Pari. 4 Nov. 1461, when all his honours became forfeited, but, having ingratiated himself with the Yorkists by the surreuder of Ilamborough Castle, was made joint Gov. thereof iu 1402 with an annual pension of 1,000 marks, and was restored by act of Pari. («) The ISth is the " date ascribed iu a patent of 12 Oct. (36 Heu. VI.), 1457." [Courthope.] ( b ) This appears to be the first grant of precedency embodied in a patent; an earlier instance of precedency (tho' not by pateut) was that of the grantee's father, John Beaufort, cr. 10 Feb. 1897, Karl of Somerset, whom the King "made sit in Itis Pari, between the Karl Marshal and Warwick." [Hot. Pari, iii, p. 343,] See wi- i, p. 22!), note "a," sub "Banbury," for some account of the "Precedency of Peers in purl, by Royal warrant." ( c ) " 24 June, 21 Hen. VI., which was iu the year 1443," says Vincent, correcting Brooke. C) This was the third Marquesaate ever bestowed. See vol. iii, p. 146, note "g," »ii4 " Dorset." C) See vol. iii, p. 100, note " f," s«6 " Devon," for a list of the Lords of this Inland. ( ! The Lancastrian nobles at this battle were (1) the Duke of Buckingham, hurt ; (21 the Duke of Somerset, slain ; (3) the Earl of Devon, hurt ; (4) the Earl of Northumberland, si aiu ; (5) the Karl Stafford, greatly hurt ; (6) the Earl of Dorset [i.e., the s. and h. ap. of the Duke of Somerset], greatly hurt; (7) the Lord Clifford, slain, and (8) the Lord Ros, slain. The Vorkists therein were (1) Utt Duke of York ; (2) the Earl of Salisbury ; (3) the Earl of Warwick, and (4) the Lord Clinton. (See Sir Thomas Phillipps's MSS., 9,735, No. 278.)