Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/245

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STAWEL. 243 A. s.p.m.s., 10 Jan. 1711/2, in his "1st year. She rf. 21 Feb., and was bur. 5 March 1727/8, at Chiswick, iu her 55th year. Will pr. 1728. III. 1692. 3. William (Stawel), Baron Stawel of Somerton, br. (of the half blood) and h. male, being s. of the 1st Baron by his second wife. He waR 6. about 1683 : sue. to the peerage, 30 Nov. 1692 ; mat. at Oxford Ch. Ch.), 8 April 1698, nged 15 : cr. M.A., 5 May 1701 ; Gent, of the Bedchamber to George. Prince of Denmark, the Prince Consort. He m. 16 March 1707. Elizabeth, widow of William Forster, of Bamborongh Castle, co. Northumberland (who d. s.p. 1 Sep. 1700), da. and h. of William Pert, of Arnolds Hall, co. Essex, by Elizabeth, sister and h. [1 711 ] of Sir Humphrey Forster, 2d Bart., of Aldermaston, co. Berks. Hv her he acquired the estate of Aldermaston afsd.p 1 ) He rf.') at Hartley Wespall, 28 Jan. 1741/2, and was bur. there, aged 58. Will pr. Feb. 1742. His vridoff, who was bap. 30 June 1677, at Muuntuesaing, co. Essex, rf. 18 Aug. 174S, at Aldermaston, and was bur. at Mountnessing afsd. Will pr. 1748. IY. 1742, 4- Edward (Stawel), Baron Stawel of Somerton, to only surv. br. and h. male, b. at Somerton about 16S6 ; mat. at 1755. Oxford, 19 May 1702, aged 10 ; B.A., 29 Jan. 1705/6 ; M.A., 1709 ; entered the Middle Temple, 1706 ; sue. to the peerage, 23 Jan. 1741/2. He m. 20 April 1719, at Hiutou Ampney, Hants, Mary, 1st da. and coheir of Sir Hugh StUkei.ry, or Stkwklet, 2d Bart., of Hinton Ampney, afsd. She d. 20 and was bur. 25 July 1740, at Hinton. He rf. s.p.m.s.( c ) at Aldermaston, 13 and was bur. 17 April 1755, at Hinton, aged about 69, when the Barony became extinct. Will pr. 1755. V. 17G0. 1. Mart Bilson-Legge, wife of the Rt. Hon. Henry Bilson-Legge, formerly Legoe, and da. and h. of Edward (Stawel), 5th Baron Stawel of Somerton, by Mary, his wife, both abovenamed, was cr. 21 May 1760, BARONESS STAWEL OF SOMERTON, co. Somerset, with rem. of that dignity to the heirs male of her body by her said husband. She was bap. 12 Feb. 1726, at Hinton Ampney. They were m. there 11 Sep. 1750. He, who was 4th b. of William (Legoe), 1st Earl of Dartmouth, was 6. 29 March 170S ; assumed the name of llitson in addition to that of Leyge ; was Chancellor of the Exchequer, April to Nov. 1754, 1756 to April 1757, and (thirdly) July 1757 to 1762. He it. at Tollbridge Wells, 25 Aug., and was bur. 5 Sep. 1764 at Hinton, aged 66.( d ) Shem. secondly (as his second wife), 10 Oct. 1768, at Lambeth Palace (spec, lie), Wills (Hill), 1st Earl of Hillsborough, who, after her death, was cr. (20 Aug. 17S9), Marquess of Downshire [I.], and who rf. 7 Oct. 1793, in his 75th year. She rf. at their house in Hanover square, 29 July, and was bur. 6 Aug. 17S0, at Hinton afsd., aged 52. Will (as Countess of Hillsborough) pr. Aug. 17S0. VI. 1780, 2. Henry Stawel (Bilson-Legge), Baron Stawel of to Somerton, only s. and h., 4. 22 Feb. 1757, at St Margaret's, 1820. Westm. ; ed. at Trim Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1779 ; Surveyor of the Customs in the port of London. He m. 1 July 1779, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Mary, 2d da. of Asheton (Cuhzon), 1st Viscount Curzon, by his first wife, Esther, da. of William Han.mer. She, who was b. 11 Feb. 1760, rf. 19 Sep. 1804, (") An account of this curious old seat and its owners is in Brydges's " Topo- grapher " [1789], vol. i ( b ) W T illiam Stawell, his only s., bap. in London, 7 Oct. 1712, rf. num. at Marseilles, 17 Jan. 1739/40 (one year before him) and was 6io 11 May 1740, at Aldermaston, Charlotte, his only da., rf. s.p., Sep. 1762, having m. (as her third husband) Ralph Oongreve, who inherited the estate of Aldermaston, which, on his death s.p. 1775, he devised to his own family. ( c ) Stewkley Stawel, his only s., rf. young and v.p. when at Westm. school. C) He was considered one of the most prominent Statesmen of his time.