Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/362

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TALBOT. Lout) Strang h de Ui.u-kmkue. by Mary, da. <>f Richard (Kit/, Eahl of Aiu'NDEI.. He step, his father -1 April 13S7, being then Aged 26, and sum. to pari, down to 13 Nov. (1383) 17 Hie. II., l>v writs directed " liirardn Talbot dt Goderitk Oa$ttll" (LORD TALBOT UK GODKIilCH CASTELL), that designation, whether meant for him or Lis deceased father, first appearing (as well as that of " Ricardul Talbot tie Marimert ") on the above mentioned writ of 17 l>ee. (1387) 1 1 RicII.p) In 1391, on the death of his cousin John (Hastings), Karl of Pembroke, he inherited (in right of his grandmother Joan do Valence ahoveiiamcd) several estates formerly belonging to those Earls.! 1 ') He d. 7 Sep. (1396) 20 Rio. II. His widow, by inheritance Baroness Sthanv.k i>k BlaCKMF.IIK, m. (as his second wife) about 1 100, Th us (Neyii.i.) Lord Fl'kniyai.i., who d. 1406-07- She it. on Ascension day 1113. V. 139G. 5. Gilbert (Tmssot), I. mm TaLBOT, s. tkfttl h., >>. nbnttt 1383 being aged 13 at the death of bis father, 7 Sep. 1396. He was sura, to pari, by writs directed " Oitbtrio Talbot " from 25 Aug. (1404), '< Hen. IV. to 5 Uct. (1 117!, 5 Hen. V."-') In 1407 he defeated the insurgent Welsh iu Glamorgan- shire; K.G , 1 407-OS ; claimed to carry the golden spurs (as heir of the K.nis of Pen] broke), at the coronation. 9 April 1413* of Hen. V. ; sue. his mother, in HIS, as LORD STRANGE DE BLACKMEUE ; was .lust ice of Chester ; served in Uie French wars, and was, in 1117, Capt. Gon. of the Marches of Normandy. He was betrothed to the Lady Joan Pi.antaoenet, 2d da, of Thomas, Dike of (i1.oive.stek (6th sou uf .Edward III ), hut she >/. before the marriage was consummated. He »i. before HI 5, Beatrix, who was h. in Portugal, and who was probably a member of the Portu- guese family uf Pinto.('I) He d. s.p.m., 19 Oct. 1419. His widow hi. before 1443, Thomas Kettiplack, of Bast Shefford, Berks, Stewar.l of the manor of Brampton, and d. Christmas-dav 14-17, leaving William Fettiplace her sou and heir, then aged 24. She was bur. at East Shefford : M.l. Etek 27 Hen. VI. VI. 1419. Ankaret, by inheritance, Raroness Sthance de Bt.AtK.MEHE and Baroness Talhot, only da. and b. Aged two years at her father's death, 111 Uct. 1418. She d. two years later, 13 Dec. 1421. VII. 1121. 7. John- (Talbot), Lord R-rnivaix [1295], Lord Sthance de Bi.ack.mehk [1308], and Loud Talbot [1331], uncle and h., who, having in. Maud, sun jure Baroness Fiknivau.. da. of Thomas (NEVllX), Lord Kirnivai.i. abovenamed. by his 1st wife, Joane, sua jure Bahones Fitrnivali., wai 'jure Maoris, sum. to pari, as a Baron (Lord Furnivau., or Lord Tai.rot tat HallsM8H1BE from 28 Oct. 1409 to 24 Ktb. 1 420/1, (<••) the Brat writ, as also the greater number uf them being directed " Johmmi Talbot, D'no de /'»>•» tin//," tho' one writ, that of 1 Dee. 1413 was directed " Johi Talbot de llalomnhire," while, in a few instances, the writs tire directed "Johunni Talb«l de Fwnivatl." On 13 Dec. 1421, he, on the death of his abovenamed niece, site, to the Jlarojiies of Strange de Jilackmere ami of Talbot. He was cr. 1442, EARL OF SHREWSBURY, ami in 1-146, EARL OF WEXFORD [I.] Sec ( a ) " In the same writ iu which be was sum. as Richard Talbot of Blackmere lie was likewise [ !] sum. as Richard Talbot de Godricke Castell, and from that time to 13 Nov. 1396 by the same designation " [Nicolas, unaltered by Courthope.] Un- questionably the name " Rio. Talbot de Goderichcastell " appears [10th above that 01 " Bic. Talbot de Blackmere "] among those sum. on 17 Dec. (13S7), 11 Ric. II., but it seems probable that the first-named Richard was meant for the father (tho' he had, as a matter of fact, died 8 months before), and the second for the son ( b ) See p. 136, note " c," sub. "Shrewsbury " as to the couuty of Wexford, which was part of these estates. {") There is pi I' in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( u ) Pinto " is the only house in Portugal that bears the 5 crescents in saltier, as displayed on her seal." [Coll. Top. et Gen, Vol. i, p. 40"i, where (pp. 86*89) is given a good account of this Lady, by Nicolas distinguishing her from Beatrix, Countess of Arundel, with whom she is generally (tho' erroneously) identified.] Her amis, impaled with those of her husband (Talhot, quartering Strange) as for uierly depicted iu the church of Whitchurch, Salop, were Quarterly 1st aud 4th anj., 5 escutcheons iu cross, azure, each charged with 5 plates iu saltire, for Portugal ; 2d aud 3d, azim, 5 crescents iu saltire, or.