Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/369

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TANK.ERVTLLE— TARA. 367 [George Montagu Devn-et, ettjted (since the death of his elder br. in 1879) L"nn Hknnet, 2.1 but 1st SUIT. s. ami h. up. ; 6. 30 March 1852; erl. at Hartley ■ Midshipman, R.N., 1867-89; Lieut. Rifle Brigade, 1872.80; Ai.le-rte-Camp to the Viceroy oi Ireland, 1876-80. He m. 23 Oct. 1895, at Tacoma, U.S., America, Leonora da. of ( — ) Vanmaiitkii.] Family Estates.-- These, in 1833, consisted of 28,930 acres in Northumberland and 2,493 Exclusive of 841 share.! with 0. S. Lloyd) in Salop. Tultil, 31,123 acres worth £33,6f0 a year. Principal Heat.— Chilliiigham Castle, near Alnwick, co' Northumberland. TAXXADYCR. !>., "(Jlamis, Ta.vsadyce, Syi>t.ay, &c.,* Barony [8,] (Li/mi), snb- stitnted, in 1 <>7 7, for "Oi.amis"; see " Sthathmhre and Kinqhork," Earldom [3.1 substituted, in 1677, for " KfKCHoRH " Karl. I. mi [S.] TAXQUERVILLK, see TANKERVILLE. TAPLOW. />, Leikster of Tap-low, co. Books" Viaeonntcj (Fit::Gemhl), c>: 1747 ; see •' I.kinstkk," Dukedom [I.], a: 1700. i.e., " TnoMOJf d of Taplow, co. Bucks," Barony (O'Brien), er. 1S01 ; tx. 1808 ; see " Thomond," Manjuessate [I.], cr. 1800 ; ex. 1S55, under the 1st Marquess. TARA, TARAGH, or TARRA6H. Viscountcy [i ] y. The Hon. Thomas Preston, 4th b. of Christopher L 1 050 fPMwfos), 4th Viscount Oormasston [I.], by his second wife, Catharine, da. of Sir Thomas FlTSlWll.u am, of Merrion, c». Dublin, was a Col. ill the Spanish servi.-e and Gov. of Gennep on the Mense, Korth Brabant, 1011 : was Crucial of the Leinster division of the Catholic confederacy in Ireland, 1 Oct.. 1042. ami was <•?•. by Charles II., when in exile, by patent dat. at (Snout, 2 July }6r,0,(") VISCOUNT TAIf AGH, c«. Heath [I.], with a grant of £800 a year in lands. He re-entered the Spanish service, 1650. and entered that of France in 1659, in w hose pay he was in command, 7 March, 1654, of 1,500 Irish, serving in Catalonia. He m. (— ), da, < f Charles V an df.r-Eyi.kkn (a native oi Brabant), Seigneur de St. George, by Anne. da. of Anthony iik .'aic'Iie. Seigneur de Sassigues. She was living in Paris, 20 Nov. 1053.0') He d. before 1656. II. 1G55? .'?. Anthony (Pheston) Viscount Taragh [I.], 1st s. and 1) . b, in Flanders ; was a memVier of the Soc. of St. George, at Hinges, 1047, and of that of St. Sebastian at the same place, 27 June 1050, at which date he was Viscount Taragh. He entertained Charles II., when in exile, at Bruges ( C J He in. about 1650, Margaret, da. of Anthony Warren, of Kings County. He d. 24 April 1059, at Bruges, and was bur. in the church of Notre Dame there. M.I. His widow was living 10 Nov. 1074. ('•) (*) See vol. v, p. 1-4, note " b," sub " Langdale," for list of the 18 peerages made by Charles II. when in exile. ( b ) See " Top. and Gcv." vol. ii, p. 471, for a good account of the family of the wife of the 1st Viscount and her descendants, in a valuable article, by G. S. Steiuman, on the "Sepulchral Memorials of the English at Bruges." Cf) See a letter of Charles II., 14 May 1662, to the Earl of Orrery in the Carte MSS., which is printed in Burke's " Extinct Peerage" and elsewhere. 1*) Letter of that date from her to the Duke of Ormond. In this she says "I hope your Grace will be pleased to consider the petition of the distressed sisters of my dearest child, the late murdered Lord of Taragh. '