Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/407

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TOLL KM A C H K — TOH< INTO. 405 at Pcckfortou Castle afsd., aged S5.(>) Will pr. sit £133,000 gross. His widow living 1896. It. 1S90. 2. Wll.lsR.MIAJI FllKOERIC (Toi.t.E.M ACTIE), BaRON Toi.l.E- HACBE OF IIki.misoiiam [1876], 1st s. and h. by Brat wife ; 6. 4 July 1S32, at Tilstone Lodge, Cheshire ; wns M.P. for West Cheshire, 1S72-S5 ; sue. to the peerage 9 Dec. 1SP0. He w. firstly, 2 I '<•!•. 1858, in the chapel at Galloway House, Emma Oeorgiana, 2d da. of Randolph (.Stewabt), 9th Eaui. iif Galloway [S.], by Harriet Blanche, da. of Henry Charles (Somsbset), 6th Di-kr or Beaufort. She, who was 6. 6 Nov. IS 10, </. 24 .Ian. 1869, He hi. secondly, 2 Uct. 1S7S, Mary Stuart, lid da. of the I£t. Hull. Lurd Claud Hamilton (2d s. of the 1st Mauqckss ok AbeR- cokn), by Elizabeth Emma, da. el Grauville Leveson (Piioby), 3d Eakl of Cauvskobt [[.]. She was 6. '27 May I851<rf Family ICstntcs. These, In 1SS3, consisted of 28,651 acres in Cheshire, besides 65 ill Derbyshire and Flintshire, and 7.010 in Suffolk. Total, :15,726 acres, worth £43,34 j a year. Principal Raidenta — Peokfortou Castle, near Tarporley, in Cheshire, and Helminghain Hall, near Stouham, cu. Suffolk. TON BRIDGE, see TUN BRIDGE. TONI. Barony by /. Robert DE Toni, who had considerable estates in writ. , livers counties, viz.. at Elamstead, co. Herts. Kirtline. co. Cam- i logo bridge, Maud Castle iu Colwent. in the inarches of Wales. &c, s. - r ' and h. of Ralph DE'J of the same ; sue. his father in 1264 ; .,.> served iu the wars of Seotiuul and Gasconv. and was sum. to Pari. I^IU. as a Barou (LOUD TONI) by writs from 10 April (1299) 27 Ed. 1. to 16 June (1311) 4 Ed. II. His name as " Rob'tus dc Tony. Unus dc OUtrO Malill" appears among those of the Barons who signed the letter to the Pope in 1301. (<■) He hi. Maud, who survived him. He d. s.p. (1309-10) 3 Ed. II., wheu the Barony became extinct. ( d ) TORBAY. i.e., " Herbert of Toruay, co. Devon," Barony {Herbert), cr. 1689, with the Earldom of ToitniNOTOK. which see ; ex. 1716. TORBOLTOUN. " Aubigny, Dalkeith, Torboltoun and Abisrdour," Barony [S.] {Stuart), cr. 1581, with the Dukedom of Lensos [S.]. which see; ex. (with the Dukedom of Kichmond) 1672. TORONTO. See "Sydenham op Sydenham, co. Kent and Toronto in Canada" Earony (Poulctt-Thompsan), cr. 1840 ; ex. 1841. (*) A zealous and most practical agriculturist, and a keen sportsman, he was the type of the old fashioned county gentleman, aud had consequently great influence among his associates. . . ( b ) This Ralph is said to have been 6th in descent from Ralph de Tom, Seigneur of Toni in Normandy, Standard Bearer to William, the Conqueror. ( c ) See ,; Nicolas. pp. 761-809. for a good account thereof. ( d ) Alice his sister and heir was 26 at his death, being then w.dow of Thomas Leyburne, but she soon afterwards m. Guy (de Beuuchamp) Earl of Warwick and (thirdly) William La Zouehe.