Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/448

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44G TYRCONNELL. nf Sir George Hamilton, Count Hamilton in France/al sister of Sarah, the (roll, knows DtJGHKS of Maulbouoioh, da. and coheir <.f Richard Jennings, of Sandvidgc, Herts, by France*, da. ami coheir of Sir GiHard THORNHURBT, Hart, (sn cr. 1622! of Apnes Court, co. Kent. The Duchess (for so she was always called 1 ' had been one of the Mai>ls of Honour, ami was long (as " La belle Jcnniwis") a reigning beauty at the Court of Charles II. When again a widow, in 1(101, she lived many years abroad, being I.ady of the Bedchamber to the exiled Queen of .lames II. She. however, returned to Ireland, pr.ihahly about 1720, and il. s p.m. from a fall from her bed. at Paradise RrtW or Arbour Hill, Dublin, ti and was bur. 9 March 1780/1, at St. Patrick's there, aped SI or S2.; b ) Her will dat. 28 May 1726, nr. in the Court of Delegates, 17:11. M.I. in i he Chapel of the Scotch College, at Paris. (<•') She had founded a Nunnery for poor Clares, in King street, Dublin. William, of Hagfrardstowrt, nephew ami h. w:ilp,( J ) assumed the title of E.utr. ok Tyhconnmx, ke [L]on his uncle's death, in 10:11, under the site, rem. in its creation (1685), notwithstanding the late Karl's attainder. He was s. and h. of Garret Talbot, by Margaret, da. of Henry G.u- Do.v, of co Louth, which Garret was an elder br. of the said Karl. He, too, was attainted under the description of •' William Talbot of Dundalk."(") He fled to St. Germain en Laye, and presumably d. there. His son and heir ( — ), Talbot, was a Lient.-Qen. in the service of France. It is unknown w hether or no this son assumed the title of Karl or Tyiico.nxei.i., ke. [I.], but on his death s.p. that Earldom, kc, which had been under attainder since 1 (59 1 , became extinct.,' 1 ) 1. Sir .Iohn, Unit., nf Ilnmby and Helton, co. Lincoln, e. and h. of Sir William Hrownlow, ■Jth Bart., of the same, by his first wife Dorothy, 1st da. and coheir of Sir Richard Mason, of Sutton, co. Surrey ; sue. his father. 6' March 1700/1. as :"th Ilaronet 'a dignity a: 21 July 1841) : was of full age in 171 1 ; M.P. for Grantham and ( a ) Her three daughters by Count Hamilton (coheirs) were il) Elizabeth, Vis- countess lb is* [I.] j (2i Frances, Viscountess Dillon [I.], and ,:!) Mary, Viscountess Barnewall of Kingeland [I.] They were known at the Viceregal Court [I.] as " the three Viscountesses " and all three are bur. at St. Patrick's, Dublin, by T rconnel she is said to Inn e had two daughter?, each of w hom m. foreign noblemen. One of these two, Charlotte, is said to have in. the Prince de Vintimiglia and to have hail two daughters, both of whom M. but d. s.p. In "Mawson's obits," however [Genealogist, N.S., iv, 251. the death at St. Germans is mentioned, 14 Feb. 1721/2, of Tyrconnell'a •'only da. Charlotte, in her 4t>th year, who had m. "her cousin the late Lord Richard Talbot >.f Tyreonnell, who "d. in 1715 in the Scotch rebellion," and who herself •' left a sou and da. behind her. ( h ) Aged 101 ..coording to the " Gent. Mag." Count Grammont says of her : " She had the fairest and brightest complexion that ever was Been, her hair a most beauteous flaxen, her countenance extremely animated. . . The charms of her person and the unaffected aprightlinesa of her wit gained her the general admiration of the whole Court. ; in thi se fascinating qualities she had there other competitors, but scarcely one, except Miss Jennings, maintained, throughout, the character of Unblemished chastity. " On the other hand Lord Melfort says that she had " l'auie la plus noire qui se puisse concevoir." Her u mad freak," in going about, dressed as "an orange wench (when' 1 Maid of Honour") is narrated by Pepys, 21 Feb. 1684/5, and by Grammont, and there is an account of the whole of her career (at some length) in .'ease's " Court of Stuarts." When old she is described as " low in Stature, extremely emaciated, and without the slightest trace of ever having been a beauty." (") The inscription, describing her as " Frances Jennings, Duchess of Tyreonnell, i* printed in Jesse's " Court of Stuarts," vol. iv, p. 158, as also (with others in the said chapel) in " Coll. Top. et Gen.," vol. vii, p. 38. (") See D'Alton's " Irish Army List." It is presumed that Tyrconnell's nephew, Sir William Talbot, Hart. [I.] (s. and h. of his eldest br.) was dead *.p. before him, as this William stands first in the spec. rem. of 16S5. Viscountcy [I] r. iris, to 1751.