Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/110

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92 DARTMOUTH Leicester of Holkham, by his ist wife, Juliana, da. of Samuel Charles Whitbread, of Cardington, Beds. She was b. at Holkham, i8, and bap. there 23 Dec. 1849. [William Legge, styled, since 1891, Viscount Lewisham, ist s. and h. ap.; b. 22 Feb. 1881, at ^s Manchester Str.; ed. at Eton. He m., 7 Dec. 1905, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Ruperta, 3rd da. of Charles Robert (Wynn- Carrington), 1st Marquess of Lincolnshire, by Cecilia Margaret, ist da. of Charles (Harbord), 5th Lord Suffield. She was b. 19 July 1883.] Fatnily Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 8,024 acres in the West Riding of Yorks; 7,316 in co. Stafford; 2,195 '" Bucks; 1,096 in Salop; 454 in Sussex; 391 in Kent (these last being then worth ;/^ 10,470 a year, and presumably in 191 5 much more), and 42 (worth ;^3,350 a year) in Midx. Total, 19,518 acres, worth ^58,657 a year. Principal Residence. — Patshull Hall, near Wolverhampton, co. Stafford. DARTREY OF DAWSON'S GROVE BARONY [L] I. Thomas Dawson was, 28 May 1770, cr. BARON T ,_„ DARTREY OF DAWSON'S GROVE, CO. Monaghan • ° [L], and on 19 June 1785, VISCOUNT CREMORNE to [L]. He was, 20 Nov. 1797, fr. BARON CREMORNE J g OF CASTLE DAWSON, co. Monaghan [L], with a spec. "^' rem. He d. s.p.s., 1 Mar. 1 8 13, when this Barony (as well as the Viscountcy, but not the Barony of Cremorne) became extinct. See fuller particulars under " Cremorne," Viscountcy [I.], cr. 1785; extinct 18 13. DARTREY BARONY. I. Richard (Dawson), Baron Cremorne of Castle J g Dawson, co. Monaghan [I.], 2nd but only surv.() s. and h. of Richard Thomas, 2nd Baron Cremorne of Castle FARI DOM Dawson [I.], by Anne Elizabeth Emily, da. of John Whaley, of Whaley Abbey, co. Wicklow (which Richard L 1866. Thomas sue. his uncle Thomas, Viscount Cremorne, Baron Dartrey, i^c. [L], abovenamed, in the Barony of Cremorne of Castle Dawson [I.], under the spec. lim. in the creation thereof, 20 Nov. 1797), was b. 7 Sep. 18 17, at Ballyfin, Queen's County, the house of Sir Charles Coote; sue. his father in the Peerage [L], 21 Mar. 1827; and being a Liberal,() was on 20 Sep. 1847, '^^• (*) His elder br., h. 1815, d'. an infant. V.G. C>) He voted against the disestablishment of the Irish Church in 1 868, and for it in 1869. In 1886 Gladstone's conversion to Home Rule proved too great a strain on his party loyalty, and he became a Liberal Unionist. V.G.