Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/129

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DECIES III VISCOUNT OF DECIES [Deessees]. He m. Ellen, da. of Sir John FitzThomasFiTzGERALDofDESMOND,5/y//«»-hitTiself(and by some considered) Earl of Desmond, by More, da. of Donogh O'Brien, of Carrigogunnell, CO. Limerick. He (i. s.p., 28 Dec. 1572, when his honours became extinct.{*) i.e. " Decies," Viscountcy [I.] {Power), cr. 1673, with the Earldom OF Tyrone [1.], which see; both extinct 1704. BARONY [I.] 1. William Beresford, 3rd s. of Marcus, ist Earl of J o Tyrone [I.], by Catherine, suo jure,{^) Baroness La PoER [I.], da. and h. of James (Power), 3rd Earl or Tyrone and Viscount Decies [1.] of the creation of 1 673, abovenamed. He was l>. 16 Apr. 1743; ed. at Trin. Coll. Dublin, B.A., 1763, M.A., 1766, D.D., 1780. Rector of Urney, co. Derry; Bishop of Dromore, 1780; Bishop of Ossory, 1782; Archbishop of Tuam, 1794. P.C. [I.] 17 Nov. 1794. On 22 Dec. 18 12, he was cr. BARON DECIES of Decies, co. Waterford [l.].(f) He m., 12 June I763,() at Donnybrook, on enrolment by the officers of the Court. . . . Nearly all these instruments have the date of their delivery into Chancery marked upon them in accordance with the Act 37 Henry VI, cap. I, directing that Warrants made to the Great Seal should have the day of their delivery to the Chancellor entered and that the patents should bear the date of that day." (Introduction to the Calendar of Fiants, 7th Report, Dep. Keeper P.R. [I.]; ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell). V.G. (=■) "The Earl of Desmond undertakes, 6 Jan. 1572/3, not 'to vex or disquiet,' among others, the 'Viscount of Dessees,' which shows that his death had not then been heard of and must have been quite recent." (G. D. Burtchaell). The Cotnmunia Ro// for 161 8 contains much interesting information about the FitzGeraldsof Dromana, Lords of the Decies. Sir John FitzGerald (who was then living) having been sued by the Crown for arrears of rent of certain lands in co. Waterford, answers that Sir Gerald FitzGerald of Dromany (2nd s. of James, 7th Earl of Desmond) d. seised of these lands 16 Aug. 1488; after whose death they descended to his s. and h., John FitzGerald, who d. at Dromany 18 Dec. 1524, when his s. and h., Gerald, entered into possession. This Gerald d. at Templemichael, 25 Feb. 1553/4, and was sue. by his s. and h., Maurice, Viscount Decies. Maurice d. at Dromany s.p. legit., 31 Dec. 1 57 I {sic'], and was sue. by his br. and h., Sir James FitzGerald, who ^, at Dungarvan, 28 Dec. 1580, and was sue. by his s. and h., Garrett, who d. s.p. at Templemichael in Oct. 1598, when the lands in question reverted to his cousin and h.. Sir John Fitz- Gerald, s. of his uncle Garrett, which Sir John m. Ellen, da. of Maurice FitzGibbon, s. and h. ap. of John Oge, the White Knight. In Russell's Relation, Sir John is described "by persons yet liveing who have seen him," as "a little brown man with one eye only," and Dame Ellen his wife as "a fatt big woeman, goeing in a hattand gold hat- band, a silke gowne and mantle with a fringe, her hayre bound up in a golden cewle." [Unpublished Geraldine Doeuments; ex inform. R. G. FitzGerald-Uniacke). V.G. C') According to the anomalous decision of the Irish House of Lords, confirmed 19 Dec. 1767. ("=) The three extinctions made use of under the Act of Union for this creation were (i) the Barony of Lecale {FitzGerald); (2) the Barony of Fermanagh {Ferney); and (3) the Viscountcy of Longueville [Longfield). {^) Lords' Entries, Dublin. V.G.